Get Access to your 5-Day
Sugar Detox Challenge

Funmi Akande, Health & Wellness Coach
Woohoo! It's the New Year, (and a new DECADE!) and for many of us that means newfound energy to devote to achieving our goals.
While we are creating our Vision, setting those goals, adjusting our mindsets to begin the growth necessary to make all these a reality, we need to acknowledge the need for a Healthy Thriving Body to kick off this year, STRONG!
So, Let's begin by clearing out any 'nasties' which we have accumulated over time and especially during the holidays that could be holding our body down.
The Success manual takes you through 5 days to Vibrant Living! You will be amazed at how different you will feel just a few short days from now.
Worksheet to help you track your progress around your water intake, Exercise/workout, Breakfast,Lunch, Dinner & Snacks, and How you feel?
This challenge is more than just a downloadable guide – over the next several days, you’ll be getting pro tips, strategies, and coaching to help you eliminate added sugar from your diet…. All for FREE!
Join the 5-Day Sugar Detox Challenge to helps you take your wellness & fitness journey to the next level! Click the button below to get access for free.
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