
How to Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight: 14 Strategies for Losing Weight

How to boost metabolism is a question that is commonly asked by those looking to lose weight and I'm sure that's why you are reading this too.

There are a variety of strategies that can be employed, including how food intake and exercise should be balanced in order to maintain the new lower calorie levels.

Losing weight can be a difficult process. You have to decide how much you want to lose, how long it will take, and how much effort you are willing to put in.

Some people choose to do this naturally with dieting and exercise, while others turn towards supplements that help boost metabolism, such as green coffee bean extract.

This article will discuss how to boost metabolism and lose weight, including strategies for maintaining weight loss after it has been achieved.

What is metabolism?

how to boost metabolism

Your metabolism is how your body converts food and drink into energy.

It is how the human body uses calories taken in through eating and drinking or stored as fat cells within the body.

It's essential for sustaining life, from bacteria to humans.

The process of metabolism requires a lot of different enzymes which digest carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

How to increase your metabolism

how to boost metabolism

You can increase your metabolism by eating healthy, exercising, and supplementing with green coffee bean extract.

Increasing your metabolism can help you lose weight faster and make the process much easier.

Start by eating a healthy diet that is high in both protein and vegetables.

Protein has been shown to boost metabolism more than carbohydrates, so it will be important for your body to have an adequate amount during this process.

Eating a lot of fruits or drinking fruit juice can also work.

Also, as with the other strategies for how to lose weight, it is important not to eat too much or too little because both of those will cause problems when trying to increase metabolism.

Eating more than your body needs slows down how efficiently cells break down glucose, and dieting too much can stop your body from producing enough of the hormones that regulate how it breaks down fat.

So, lets into detail on how to boost metabolism and lose weight:

1. Sip Some Black Coffee

Sipping some black coffee can also help raise your metabolism.

Coffee is a natural stimulant, and by drinking it, you will be giving your body an extra boost of energy that can increase how fast the fat in your cells are burned off.

Sipping some black coffee is another way to increase how quickly your body converts food into energy, so it's something you might want to try if you're a fan of the drink and like how it makes you feel.

Increasing how often you exercise or adding more resistance/strength training will be key in this process as well since this will help you burn more calories and fat.

A word of caution with coffee: try not to drink more than three cups per day.

The caffeine can cause a spike in how quickly your heart beats and how sensitive you are to adrenaline, which will limit how well you sleep at night.

The coffee is also acidic- this isn't good for the stomach or teeth!

2. Recharge With Green Tea

how to boost metabolism

Recharging with green tea is another way to increase how quickly your body converts food into energy.

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do love my green tea! After knowing how caffeine can help boost metabolism and speed up the rate that our bodies break down fats, I started drinking more of this beverage.

The amount of green tea you drink will depend on your level of caffeine tolerance.

Start by drinking one cup a day and slowly increasing the amount as needed until you find what works for you!

Drinking too much at once might cause jittery feelings or an upset stomach.

3. Power Up With Protein

When you are trying to boost your metabolism, it is important to have an adequate amount of protein.

Protein has been shown to boost metabolism more than carbohydrates, so it will be very helpful for how quickly your body converts food into energy.

Eating many fruits or drinking fruit juice can also work since they provide nutrients needed for the body to function at its best!

When you are trying to boost your metabolism, it is important to have an adequate amount of protein.

Protein has been shown to boost metabolism more than carbohydrates, so it will be very helpful for how quickly your body converts food into energy.

Eating many fruits or drinking fruit juice can also work since they provide nutrients needed for the body to function at its best!

4. Snack Smart

when you are looking to increase your metabolism, snacking smart is a great way to do it.

Snacking often is something that people tend to pay attention to its effect on losing weight, but snacking smart can help you achieve your weight loss goals with how quickly the body converts food into energy and how metabolism will work as well!

People who eat more than four times per day are likely to have higher metabolisms because they get more nutrients to their bodies that help them function how they are supposed to.

Snacking smart is a great way to do this because it will make you feel full and metabolize food quicker!

5. Stay Away From Sugary Drinks

how to boost metabolism

Sugary drinks can negatively affect your metabolism, so try not to drink them if you are looking for how to boost metabolism.

This includes soda, sports drinks, and other beverages that contain sugar because they may have the ability to block how quickly food converts into energy in your body!

Instead of drinking these kinds of drinks and possibly blocking how quickly your body turns food into energy for hours after you've consumed them, try drinking water instead.

6. Spice Up Your Meals

Spicing up your meals can help you boost your metabolism because it will make the food taste better and provide nutrients for how quickly they turn into energy in the body.

Cinnamon is one of those things that can be helpful with how fast food converts into energy and how often you should eat!

It is important to know this when looking at how to boost metabolism because how often you eat can make a big difference.

For example, when it comes to how many times per day people should be eating when trying to increase how fast their food converts into energy and how long it takes for the body's metabolism to work accordingly, some believe that five small meals are better than three large ones.

When you are trying to boost your metabolism, it is important to have an adequate amount of protein.

Protein has been shown to boost metabolism more than carbohydrates, so it will be very helpful for how quickly your body converts food into energy.

Eating many fruits or drinking fruit juice can also work since they provide nutrients needed for the body to function at its best!

7. Step Up Your Workout

how to boost metabolism

Stepping up your workout can also help how to boost your metabolism.

When you are trying to exercise, try a higher intensity that is much more intense than what you're used to doing because it will increase how quickly food converts into energy and helps the body's metabolism work better as well!

If you do not exercise often, then a lower intensity workout might help how fast your body metabolizes food!

The intensity of how often you work out and how much weight you lose each week will depend on how willing you are to work out, but having a plan will help make this happen for you!

8. Move More at Home

Riding on the earlier point, Moving at home is how to boost metabolism, too.

This will help how your body is burning calories and how much energy you have throughout the day.

Simple ways to move more at home are by taking a walk around or squats in front of the TV while watching a favourite show.

This is especially beneficial for those trying to lose weight because they don't have the time or resources to go out and work out at a gym.

Instead, this provides them with an easy way to have much energy throughout the day while helping how their body burns calories.

If you are looking for how to boost metabolism, then try moving at home as well.

how to boost metabolism

9. Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D

Getting enough vitamin D can also help boost your metabolism because it will help with how quickly food converts into energy and how long it takes for the body's metabolism to work accordingly.

While these supplements may not help everyone lose the weight that they want, for those who have been unable to find success through dieting or exercise alone, this is a good option worth looking into.

You want to know if you lack any nutrients, which is how these supplements can be beneficial.

If you are not taking any vitamin D medication or using a supplement to help your body convert food into energy, this will make it hard for the metabolism to work at its best!

Maintaining a healthy vitamin D level is an important part of how to boost metabolism, so make sure you're getting enough by including foods that are rich in the nutrient or taking supplements if needed.

10. Fuel Up With Water

Drinking water can also be helpful for how to boost metabolism.

It can help with how the body burns calories and how quickly it responds to hunger signals, as well as how long each calorie lasts in your system before being burned off.

Drinking water is an important part of many different diet plans, so make sure you're getting enough by drinking at least 12 glasses a day.

If you struggle with how to boost metabolism by drinking water, try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime instead.

Lemon and limes are loaded with health benefits that help how your body metabolizes energy food.

They also have other things like vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, which will benefit how you feel.

Drinking water first thing in the morning helps how to boost metabolism by making sure that all of our cells are hydrated and how they will react depending on what you eat throughout the day.

11. Get a good night's sleep.

how to boost metabolism

Getting a good night sleep is how to boost metabolism too.

Sleep deprivation can slow down your metabolic rate and how appetite hormones work in the body, making it harder for you to lose weight without trying.

The lack of sleep also makes how difficult it is for how to burn calories, so if a person does not get enough how to boost metabolism while sleeping, they can actually gain weight.

Make sure to understand how much sleep your body needs by setting a bedtime and sticking with it.

Try to limit the time you spend in front of screens before going how to bed because this light will stop melatonin production, which is essential for how good your sleep is to boost metabolism and how long you'll sleep.

12. Reduce common stressors

Reduce common stressors in your day-to-day life, such as how long you sit at a desk, how many hours of sleep you get each night, and your work environment.

These things can lead to how well or poorly our metabolism works, which will affect the natural weight loss process.

If you are struggling with how to boost metabolism in these areas, start by eating healthier and exercising more.

This will help how your body has what it needs to function smoothly and how well you'll sleep at night, which can be a key contributor to how metabolism works.

13. Boost Metabolism at Work

Symptoms of High Cortisol Levels

Boosting your metabolism at work is possible even when you don’t have time to exercise.

You can try these simple steps:

  • Walk around the building for 5 minutes every hour.
  • Have snacks available like bananas and carrots to munch on when you’re feeling peckish.
  • Take regular breaks from your work or computer, even if it is just a short walk outside. This will give your brain some time to process what you have been doing and how you feel.
  • Weight gain is not always caused by only how much you eat but also by how often you exercise. If possible, stand up while working, even if it is to give yourself a break from sitting down all day long.
  • Include at least one 20 minute workout per week in your schedule – ideally every other day so that the muscles can rest

The good news is that all of these steps are low-cost and high-impact.

Deeper Dives:

August 13, 2021

August 9, 2021

14. Avoid Crash Diets

Crash diets are diet plans that aim at weight loss by cutting calories. Crash diets can be dangerous because they don't provide enough nutrition for the body.

While crash diets might be tempting, they're dangerous to your health because of how restrictive they are.

With a little more work on how you eat and how active you are, there's no need for that kind of short-term fix.

Why avoid crash diets:

  • Crash diets are not sustainable. They don't provide the body with enough nutrients or energy, so you will end up feeling fatigued and hungry all of the time.
  • Crash diet can reduce your metabolic rate, which means that your body will burn fewer calories.
  • Crash diets can be dangerous because they don't provide enough nutrition for the body and may not have sufficient protein or fat to sustain a healthy weight loss process.
  • Crash diets often rely on processed foods that have added sugars for flavour, increasing your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
  • Crash diets can be dangerous. Restricting how much you eat and how often you exercise could cause a depletion of water, vitamins or minerals, which is unhealthy for your body.
  • If your goal with crash dieting is to lose weight quickly so that the number on the scale will motivate you into continuing this routine, it's not going to work. If you don't have a healthy diet, your body will start eating away at muscle tissue, slowing down how fast the weight comes off.
  • Crash diets are expensive because they require that you purchase pre-packaged meals and snacks, making it difficult for people with limited budgets.

The good news is that various weight-loss strategies are not as risky and can be more sustainable.


1. How can I maintain weight loss after it has been achieved?

A successful weight loss plan should be a long-term commitment. Many people have lost weight, but it will most likely come back if they don't maintain their new weight.

The most important factor in keeping the weight off is by staying committed to following the plan. It's also important to stay committed to eating a low-calorie diet that includes healthy foods like vegetables and fruits.

The average weight loss rate for those trying to lose weight is about 1-2 pounds per week with two or more exercise sessions at least 5 days a week.

It's also important not to 'diet' for too long or extreme without talking to your doctor first because this can lead to the person getting to a point where their metabolism slows down, and they cannot lose any weight.

The best way to keep the weight off is by making small changes in your diet and your exercise routine that will allow you to continue losing weight at an appropriate rate without feeling as if you're sacrificing too much of what makes life enjoyable.

2. Should I Try Energy Drinks?

Should you try energy drinks to boost metabolism? I don't subscribe to energy drinks simply because of how they are loaded with sugar and how hard they can boost energy levels.

Instead, try a natural supplement like green coffee bean extract.

Green coffee beans are considered a superfood, which means they have all sorts of benefits for how you feel and how your body works. Hence, it's worth considering an extract instead of energy drinks in weight loss efforts and will not leave you with any of these side effects or risks that energy drinks come with.

Ways to boost your energy naturally:

-Take a walk outside or another way to get your blood flowing.

-Drink herbal tea, which can be how you boost energy levels naturally and is proven to work for weight loss efforts.

3. What can I do to speed up my metabolism?

how to boost metabolism

So far, I'm sure you now understand how to boost metabolism. Still, if you think of how to speed up your metabolism, I'll say how much you eat, how often you work out and how much sugar your body is consuming are all factors that will influence how fast or slow your metabolism works.

Boosting metabolism can be a long-term process, so it's important to focus on how you're currently eating so that your body can function at optimal levels.

Exercising will help with how fast metabolism works because the more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism is likely to work.

Sugar consumption is another factor, and how much you eat can affect how fast or slow your metabolism is.

For example, if someone eats sugar all day long and doesn't work out at all, their body will store more fat than it needs to, which means that their risk of becoming obese is higher.

It's a vicious cycle because the harder our bodies work to break down sugar, the more our metabolism slows down, which means that you'll need to eat even more sugar.

The best way to lose weight is by focusing on how much you're eating and how active you are so it's better for your long-term health.

4. Can losing weight too fast slow my metabolism?

Lifestyle changes to how fast metabolism works can be a good idea, but if you are losing weight too quickly, your body will respond by slowing down how fast it metabolizes food and converts that into energy.

If someone is looking to lose the pounds as quickly as possible, this might not seem like much of an issue, but there are some consequences.

Losing weight too fast can also mean how much weight comes back is more than if you had lost it at a slower pace.

Metabolism-boosting supplements like green coffee bean extract can help how fast metabolism works and come with other benefits such as increased energy or improved mood, so they are worth considering in weight loss efforts.

5. Do some people have a faster metabolism than others?

The simple answer is that there are many factors at play that can affect how our bodies work.

There's always the potential for our bodies to have a naturally fast metabolism. Still, there are also ways to help it become even faster, such as eating healthy foods and exercising.

6. My body has a speedy metabolism, so how can I slow it down?

If you are trying to lose weight and your body is burning calories at a high rate, there are ways to control how fast this happens.

Eating smaller meals throughout the day will help with how quickly our bodies burn through food, which means that fast metabolism will slow down.

"Intermittent fasting", which means how you can eat your last meal around eight o'clock at night and then not have anything until 12 hours later, also helps with how quickly the body uses up calories because it's waiting for the food so long before switching to its "starvation mode."

Final thought on how to boost metabolism and lose weight

I talked about how your body's metabolism can be controlled and what factors may affect it. Your metabolism is affected by lifestyle changes and the consumption of sugar, as well as supplements that may speed it up.

Some people have a naturally faster metabolism than others, while some need to work harder at slowing down how fast their metabolism is.

If you are trying to lose weight and your body is burning calories at a high rate, there are ways for you to control how quickly this happens.

Eating smaller meals throughout the day will help with how quickly our bodies burn through food, which means that your metabolic process slows down.

Intermittent fasting also helps because if you are waiting for the food so long, your body is in starvation mode and how quickly it uses up calories.

You now have an idea of how to increase your metabolism and lose weight. Whether you want a short-term or long-term solution, the strategies we’ve discussed can help anyone find success in their dieting efforts.

If you found all this information helpful, please share it with others on social media! Thank you for reading our blog post about boosting metabolism and losing weight; I hope it was informative and interesting.

Will love to hear from you, share any thoughts by commenting below; always interested in hearing what you think!





About the author 


Funmi is a Certified Functional Health Coach. She is passionate about helping female entrepreneurs transform from Stress and burnout so they can begin to thrive in their body and, by extension, their businesses.

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