effective time management
Stress Management

Effective Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs

Effective time management will always be an elusive goal for most people.

This is not because it is particularly hard, but rather because most people do not know what their priorities are or how to manage the time they have. 

However, there are some very simple tricks to effectively managing your time that anyone can use to improve productivity and start getting more done in less time.

Everyone knows that time is money. But most people don't have the skills to understand how they are spending their time to make it more effective.

This article will show you some of the best ways to manage your time so that you can be better at everything else you do, not just work!

The importance of time management

Time management is one of the most important things that you can do in your life. You should always be aware of how much time you have and what you are doing with it.

To be more productive, you need to understand where all your time goes so that you can eliminate wasteful activities from your routine [and add them back only when necessary].

Below are the importance of time management you might not have considered before.

  1. Remember, you are not just managing your time, but other people's time as well. If you are always late for meetings or classes, this can negatively impact how others view you, and it will leave less time for them to get work done. This is especially important when deadlines are involved because it is your fault if someone misses their deadline due to waiting on you. So don't be late if it can be helped!
  2. Managing your time also helps you get more work done, accomplish more goals, and get better at pretty much anything you do. All those hours of your day add up to a lot of time which can be used for good or bad things. If you manage them well, the benefits are huge!
  3. Time management is important because it helps you eliminate or reduce stress. When your time is managed well, there aren't any surprises, and when things do go wrong, it's easier to handle them. It all goes back to the saying "less is more", where less stress leads to a happier life in most cases.

Tracking Time

The best way to see where your time goes is to track it. This will give you a better understanding of what your days and weeks are like to start eliminating wasteful activities and improve your task management skills. There are many ways to track time, such as:


There are several different software programs designed for tracking time and keeping data about how you spend it.

This is probably the most popular way to do it, but unfortunately, these programs tend to cost money which might not be an option for many people.


Another great way to track your time is with apps on your phone or tablet. The best thing about apps is that they are usually free, and there are so many out there to choose from.

These can be as simple as a stopwatch, or they can track your time and categorise it for you based on specific tasks and projects.

Pen and paper

Finally, tracking your time doesn't have to be complicated at all because everyone knows how to use a pen and paper (or even just plain math if that's how you are into it).

If all you want to know is how much time you spent working versus relaxing, there's no need for anything fancy. Even just some sticky notes on your desk will do if that's what works for you!

Tips for managing your time effectively

Now that you are aware of how important time management is, here are some helpful tips on how to get it done well. These are all useful for anyone, no matter what your profession or life situation may be.

1. Start with a plan

You can't manage your time if you don't know what you need to do. So when you start each day, take 10 minutes or so to write out a plan of exactly how your day will go.

Knowing where all your hours are being spent ahead of time helps because it eliminates wasted hours in the future and allows you to be more efficient with your time.

2. Be realistic with your plan

Some people are morning people, while others are night owls. Regardless of when you work best, make sure to include that in your schedule to be more realistic and flexible with what needs to get done.

3. Set an alarm for important tasks or deadlines

Life can get hectic sometimes, which is why you should set the alarm on your phone or computer to help remind you when things need to get done. This helps so much because it allows you to stay organised without having to think about it all the time, allowing for more free time in the future.

4. Check off completed tasks

Each day that something is done make sure to mark it off the list. This helps you feel better about yourself and also gives you a boost of motivation for future tasks.

It's important to reward yourself when things are accomplished because it keeps your morale high, making you more productive.

5. Be prepared for emergencies

We all have those days where nothing goes according to plan, and everything goes wrong, but if you're prepared for this, it makes the situation a lot less stressful.

So to avoid that feeling of dread when something unexpected happens, make sure to keep a backup plan that includes items like a pen and paper or a notebook in case you need them.

6. Lower your expectations

Sometimes, we set such high expectations for ourselves that it becomes too overwhelming and stressful.

While you shouldn't lower your goals, try to be realistic when placing them to get done. This is a simple way of reducing stress in everyday life.

7. Make goals

If you want to accomplish things in life and become successful, you need to set goals and achieve them.

So whether it's losing weight, earning a promotion at work, or anything else that you want to accomplish in life, make sure to write down exactly what you want and how you plan on getting there.

8. Start small

If your goal is too overwhelming or difficult, break it up into smaller steps. This takes some of the pressure off and allows you to focus on one task at a time instead of taking on too much. It can also be more motivating when an end goal is achieved because small steps led up to it.

9. Set deadlines

If you know a specific date by which something needs to get done, use that as a motivation to get it done even sooner.

Setting deadlines is a great way to be more productive because you have something to work towards which will motivate you from the beginning.

10. Reward yourself

Sometimes we work hard, set goals, and accomplish things, but we don't reward ourselves for all our hard work. It's important to reward yourself now and then for your accomplishments because this will spur you to go even further.

It's easy to just become more motivated about something if there is a reason to be, so use rewards as that reason.

11. Practice Self-Care

Make sure to take care of yourself because it will be harder to manage your time well if you get burned out and stressed.

Take breaks throughout the day to stay productive, and don't skip out on chores like eating and sleeping! Just like everyone else, you need some time to relax and recharge your batteries.

12. Allocate money for some "time management tools".

These can be anything from a smartphone app to help you track projects and time or even just something as simple as a planner so you can write down task lists and deadlines. Investing in one of these might be the best thing you ever do for yourself.

13. Finally...

the most important thing to remember is that you are in control of your time, not anyone else.

You are responsible for prioritising your tasks and ensuring everything gets done on time, no matter who might stand in your way! With these tips under your belt, you can ensure that managing your time will be a breeze.

More Resources

5-Day Habit Switch for Stress Relief

5 Ways You Can Prioritise Your Time To Reduce Stress

10 Ways to Stay Calm Under Pressure

How to unlearn poor time management skills

It is possible to unlearn poor time management skills and discover new, better ways of doing things. Sometimes people, have a hard time managing their time because they don't know their priorities.

Other times, it's because they feel like they don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done. If you find yourself struggling with these problems, here are some helpful hints and tips on making better use of your time.

Step One: 

Right now, take a sheet of paper and write down all the things you need to get done this week. Make sure to include everything from work responsibilities, personal chores, and even time for yourself.

Sometimes when people feel like they don't have enough hours in the day, they aren't using their time wisely. This is a great exercise that will give you a good idea of how much you have to do in the next week and help you determine your priorities.

Step Two: 

After doing this, look over what you wrote down more carefully and prioritise what needs to get done first.

You might find that some things that seem like they should be a priority aren't. Please don't spend too much time on this step; the more you prioritise now, the easier it will be to manage your time later.

Step Three: 

After prioritising what you need to get done this week, begin breaking down each task into smaller chunks so that you can get started.

For example, if you need to write a blog post for your company, instead of staring at a blank screen and trying to figure out what you're going to say, start by thinking of a title. 

Once you have something that works for a title, brainstorm a few points to go into the article, then start writing.

Step Four: 

Once you get started, make sure to keep track of your time. Many people don't realise how much time they're spending on a project and end up staying up all night trying to finish it when they could have easily finished the same amount in half the time with better planning.

Save yourself some stress and stay on top of how long tasks are taking you.

Step Five: 

At the end of each week, look over how you spent your time. Were you on track with what you had planned? Did you spend more time on certain things than others? If so, use this information to adjust your schedule for next week.

effective time management

Final Thoughts on Effective Time Management Tips 

It’s important to know what your priorities are and how much time you have in a day.

If you can make better use of your time, it will be easier for you to accomplish all the things that need to be done and still feel like there is enough time left over at the end of each day. 

We hope this blog post has helped give some helpful hints on how to do just that! Feel free to any comments or questions in the section below. Thanks for reading!

More Resources

Effective Time Management: Surgery, Research, Service, Travel, Fitness, and Family

Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks

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how to do what makes you happy

How To Do What Makes You Happy So You Can Stress Less

How to do what makes you happy so you can stress less and live a happier life isn't as easy as it may seem at first, but it is definitely well worth the effort.

According to a study conducted by Harvard University, those who reported being happier also had more energy and were less stressed.

In this article, you'll find tips about how to live a more meaningful, happy life without stress.

What is the point of life?

If you look at your life and answer this question, chances are you'll come up with some pretty good ideas of what makes a more fulfilling life.

For example, if the family is most important to you, then making time for that might bring more happiness into your life.

Doing things that make you happy will have a positive effect on your life. You will feel better both mentally and emotionally, which in turn will decrease the amount of stress you're feeling.

Finding what you love and doing more of it often.

Life is busy; there's no denying it. Most of us are juggling family life, jobs, home upkeep and more while finding time to do what we enjoy doing.

It seems like there's never enough time in the day for all that needs to be done, which can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. But what if you could do more of what you love and less of what makes you unhappy?

It's easier than it seems, but first, we'll need to look at how you got into that position in the first place. Is it because you do what makes you happy, but not enough of it? Or is it because you're doing things that don't make you happy in the first place?

You'll need to determine whether things make you unhappy and reduce your sense of well-being. These might include spending too much time at work or neglecting hobbies or relationships.

Once you identify what makes you unhappy, it will be easier to find ways to reduce those things and make the most of what you love.

It's also important to reflect on whether things make your life better or more enjoyable. These might include spending time with family, friends or significant others, meeting new people, getting exercise, reading, or pursuing a hobby.

Once you identify what makes your life better, it will be easier to do those things as often as you can.

What if it turns out that what makes you happy is spending some quality time alone? That's OK! Everyone needs their own time and space to recharge and find peace of mind. There's no wrong answer here.

If you want to do more of what makes you happy, you have to do a bit of self-reflection first to figure out what those things are.

Write down whether there are things that make your life better or happier, as well as areas of your life that cause anxiety or stress. Make a point of spending more time doing the things that bring you happiness and less on those that don't.

Being happy with what you have and who you are

Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to follow all of the rules and achieve perfection; we forget actually to enjoy this life. We become so busy chasing the next thing that we don't take time for what's important: happiness.

If you're looking for a way to do what makes you happy so you can stress less, then it's time to simplify your life.

Here are some tips on how to incorporate more happiness into your day-to-day routine:

1. Eliminate tasks that don't make you happy

If doing something doesn't bring a smile to your face, then stop doing it. It will only stress you out and make you miserable if it doesn't contribute anything positive or meaningful to your life. Make sure the time you spend is worthwhile and well spent by eliminating what makes you unhappy.

2. Stop chasing perfection

When was the last time you checked something off your list and thought, "Well, that was disappointing."? Never? That's right because there is no such thing as a perfect job or a perfect spouse. Stop trying to make everything else perfect and start focusing on making yourself happy.

3. Be grateful

If you're going to be alive anyway, why not live the best life you possibly can before it's all over? Being grateful for even the smallest things in life can change your perspective and make you much happier. The more grateful you are, the less stressed out you'll be when it comes to doing what makes you happy.

4. Give yourself time

You can't cram everything into 24 hours in a day. Give yourself time to breathe and relax by making sure that your time is well spent. Don't stress yourself out by trying to cram everything in, and instead, give yourself a little extra time so you can do what makes you happy.

5. Be positive

It's nearly impossible to be happy without being positive. If you're finding it hard to stay positive with all the pressure from school or work, try to surround yourself with positive people. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel if you're around other positive people.

6. Enjoy the little things

This tip is probably one of the most important pieces of advice on making what makes you happy so you can stress less. When everything else in life seems to get too complicated, take a step back and enjoy life. You don't have to spend money to be happy, learn how to appreciate the little things in life, and you'll find that what makes you truly happy is completely free.

7. Live every day like it's your last

Don't waste another minute of your precious time on this planet by doing something you don't enjoy. Life is short, and it really can be ripped away from you at any moment, so live every day like it's your last. Don't stress yourself out by wasting time doing something you don't love; instead, do what makes you happy.

8. Improve your life

When it comes to how we can improve ourselves daily, think about what makes you happy. Having healthy habits can make a big difference in your life. Since happiness is contagious, the more positive energy you put into the world, the more positivity will come back to you.

9. Don't settle

You deserve to be happy. Don't ever let someone convince you otherwise. Some people don't want you to be happy because being happy means being free. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't be who you want to be or do what makes you happy.

10. Realise it's up to you

The moment we realise that our life is completely in our own hands is a very freeing feeling. It's a feeling of true happiness that we can't really explain. Once you realize it's up to you and only you to do what makes you happy, it'll be easier than ever before to simplify your life and stress less.

11. Stop comparing yourself

Comparing yourself to others is never a good idea because everyone lives such different lives. One person might live their life stress-free, while another person has so much stress they can barely handle it. Constantly comparing your life to someone else's will only make you want their life more, which does nothing but cause you stress.

12. Spend time with the people you love

If anything that's proven to lead to happiness, it's spending quality time with the people you love. Everything else seems to fall into place when we invest our time and energy into the most important people in our lives. So why not make it a priority to spend as much time as possible with the people who make us happy?

13. Temptation is everywhere

Temptation can be found all around you, but don't fall for it. Too often, we think that doing what makes us happy is something that's supposed to wait until "someday". Don't mistake thinking you'll be happy when you reach a certain goal; instead, find happiness right in front of you by doing what makes you happy.

14. Love unconditionally

Unconditional love is the most freeing feeling in the world. Once you truly learn to love someone with no expectations or limits, it's possible to experience a type of happiness so amazing that it will change your life forever.

15. Live simply

Simplifying everything can be one of the best ways to learn how to do what makes us happy. When we go through our lives constantly trying to accumulate more and more things, it can be hard for the real reason we're on this planet to sink in. When you feel like your life is taking over (and it probably is), take a step back and live simply.

16. Be happy with who you are

We've all heard that before, but why does it have to be so hard? We all want to be better versions of ourselves, but constantly comparing ourselves to others can make it almost impossible. No one is perfect, and the sooner we realize that about ourselves, the happier we'll feel. When you truly learn how to love who you are, everything changes for the better.

Deeper Dive:

Habits You Need for Success as a Female Entrepreneur

10 Achievable Habits you can Create to Stop Overthinking

9 Simple Habits That Can Help You Achieve More With Less Stress

How to Achieve More By Filling Your Active Time With Things You Love

how to do what makes you happy

Final Thoughts on how to do what makes you happy

Busyness as a status symbol has never been more popular, and it can seem like there's never enough time in one day to get everything done. We're all guilty of feeling overwhelmed, but sometimes we forget what actually makes us happy.

It's easy to dwell on the negative and constantly feel like we should be doing more, but why not do less instead? When we learn how to do what makes us happy, there are so many benefits.

There's nothing wrong with ambition, but sometimes the things that make us the happiest aren't ambitious at all. Sometimes it can feel like happiness is something reserved for other people, but real happiness starts when we stop pretending that's true.

Everyone wants to feel like they're in control, and we all deserve to be happy. So give up on trying to do everything and learn how to make happiness a priority.

This article aims to help you figure out what makes you happy and how to do more of it. Many things can contribute to stress, but the truth is that there's no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone.

Find some time today or tomorrow morning to take a few minutes with yourself so you can find your own personal "happy place". Once you know what makes YOU happy, enjoy doing MORE of these activities.

Hope you found this article on how to do what makes you happy to stress less useful! Drop your comments and questions in the box below!

More Resources

Good genes are nice, but joy is better

Research on Happiness: What Makes People Happy?

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what is mental wellness

What Is Mental Wellness? Why It Is Crucial For Entrepreneurs

What is mental wellness when it comes to entrepreneurs? Many times, people have a different sense of what wellness actually means.

This context refers to the mental state an entrepreneur is in as they work to achieve their goals and manage their time as successfully as possible.

Many things can influence mental wellness within entrepreneurs, but it boils down to separating yourself from stress and negative thoughts.

In this article, I will explain what mental wellness is, how it impacts entrepreneurs, and how to maintain their mental health. We will also go over two common mental illnesses that an entrepreneur might face and prevent them.

Mental Wellness

At its simplest definition, mental wellness is the idea of having a balance within your life-both work and personal life.

This means that you should try to keep your stress levels low by setting goals with yourself, not overworking yourself and being aware of triggers that may push you into a negative headspace.

How it impacts entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you have to be ready for a lot of stress. It's not just the work itself that can cause stress, but many other elements also come into play.

For example, since you're your own boss and may work from home, it's difficult to separate yourself from your job when it comes time to relax. You may find yourself thinking about work in the middle of the night or taking calls with your clients in the shower.

Also, entrepreneurs face problems daily that most people don't have to deal with--like figuring out where their next paycheck is going to come from or whether or not they'll be able to keep their business afloat.

Why Mental Wellness Is Crucial For Entrepreneurs

There are many reasons mental wellness is crucial for entrepreneurs. First and foremost, it can help with decision making. When you make decisions based on your emotions, they may not be the best decisions.

It is important to take a step back and work out what you want to achieve and use that ambition to motivate yourself.

People constantly hit roadblocks in entrepreneurship since it is such a unique lifestyle with many difficulties.

Taking care of yourself can help you deal with these issues more effectively. You will find that you get better results than if you were in a negative headspace.

Self-care is paramount for mental wellness, and there are many quick tricks to help with this.

There is a lot of pressure in entrepreneurship, and it can be easy to let this stress overwhelm you at times.

But it is a worthwhile idea to take a step back and work on maintaining your mental wellness. Focusing on the present moment will help you get through these difficult tasks that seem insurmountable at times.

For the most part, entrepreneurs are putting their full trust in themselves and not getting a consistent paycheck at the end of every week. This can be very stressful, and if you don't know how to manage your stress, it could worsen. Here's an example:

Let's say an entrepreneur is working hard on a new project for their company. They work long hours, they lack sleep and eventually, their productivity level drops.

Their stress levels increase because of this drop in productivity, and now they're working long hours to make up for the lost time.

If the entrepreneur doesn't know how to manage their stress properly, they could have a mental breakdown or burn out, which will decrease their productivity and cause them to lose clients and money.

Other things that can happen to an entrepreneur

There are so many other things that can happen to an entrepreneur. I'll go ahead and list some of the most popular ones out there:

  1. The entrepreneur has difficult time setting boundaries between work and personal life. Personal relationships suffer because of poor communication with the family.
  2. The entrepreneur starts making irrational choices, like staying up for several days straight to finish a project. This causes them to make bad decisions that may lead to losing clients or missing important deadlines with their projects.
  3. An entrepreneur has issues dealing with failure. Every time they fail at something, they give up all hope on what they were trying to work towards. This leads to a loss of motivation and decreases their productivity even more.

Mental wellness is crucial for entrepreneurs because an entrepreneur's life is full of stress.

 There are four categories of stress: social, psychological, physical and spiritual. All four of these types can affect your mental wellness, and it's important to know what each one is to prevent stress. For example,

  • Social stress happens when you feel like you're not achieving the goals you set for yourself, making you feel like a failure. This may cause you to overthink how you feel about yourself, which can lead to depression.
  • Psychological stress is when you may start feeling like the world's weight is on your shoulders, causing feelings of anxiety and anger. This stress can come from different sources, such as pressure from running a business or difficulty handling the work environment.
  • Physical stress is when your body starts to produce physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches. This type of stress can come from the physical environment you work in, so it's important that you're comfortable with where you are working.
  • Spiritual stress can be when you feel like there might not be a higher power or your religious values are different from those around you. This can cause feelings of loneliness and despair, which in turn causes your mental wellness to decline.

Triggers that can push us into a negative headspace

There are two big triggers that can lead to a negative headspace for entrepreneurs-

  1. Demands of the job and
  2. Expectations.

The job demands are pretty self-explanatory, but demands can come in many forms-from clients expecting you to do something the way they ask but not liking your ideas to others questioning you on how you spend money.

Expectations are things that we put on ourselves-wanting to be the best at what we do or want to achieve a goal by a certain time, even when it's impossible with our current workload.

Two common mental illnesses

People can face so many different mental illnesses, and they happen to everyone, from famous entrepreneurs to your next-door neighbour.

Here we will go over two of the most common types you might face as an entrepreneur- depression and anxiety.

1. Depression

One common type of mental illness that entrepreneurs face is depression. This is a severe ailment and often gets worse with time if it isn't put under control.

It can cause different symptoms, such as:

  • feelings of sadness or emptiness,
  • lack of energy, irritability,
  • loss of interest in activities,
  • sleeping more or less than usual,
  • eating more or less than usual,
  • loss of interest in sex, etc.

If you feel like you or a loved one is suffering from any of these symptoms, it is important to be open with them and let them know that there are people who can help them. This may come as a surprise, but depression is the main cause of suicide, which is why it's important to recognise these symptoms and speak up.

To prevent this, it's important not to compare yourself with others. Comparison can lead to feelings of low self-worth, which is extremely dangerous for your mental wellness. Also, make sure you are surrounded by family or friends that make you feel great about yourself.

To prevent this illness, it would be best to:

  1. try to exercise regularly. This can keep your stress levels low and make you feel better.
  2. Set goals for yourself so that you know what success looks like. When you know what you want to accomplish, it will be easier to get there.
  3. Talk with someone about your feelings regularly, whether a friend, mentor, family member or therapist. This is a great way to vent and keep yourself in check mentally.
  4. Work out your mental muscles by challenging yourself with different things. You can do this with puzzles or games like chess, sudoku, etc., or learn another language. Having mental stimulation also helps keep depression at bay; you'll feel more accomplished and happier if you challenge yourself every day.

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2. Anxiety

Another common ailment that many entrepreneurs face is anxiety. This is an incredibly tough one to deal with, and many people don't know how to manage it.

Anxiety is the feeling of needing to constantly be on guard for something bad that might happen-it messes you up mentally and physically by putting your body into "fight or flight" mode.

This can cause digestive issues, panic attacks, disrupted sleep patterns and more.

To prevent this:

  1. set small goals for yourself. Doing one thing each day helps keep anxiety at bay by putting you in control of your life instead of letting it take over.
  2. Don't overload yourself with too much work or responsibility-too; much will make it seem impossible and overwhelming, which only makes the problem worse.
  3. Write down your thoughts and feelings - journaling,
  4. looking at funny pictures or videos online, and
  5. listening to music.

Entrepreneurship is an enriching experience, but it does come with its difficulties. However, if you can keep your mental health in check, then that's half the battle won.

Deeper Dive:

9 Mental Wellness Tips For Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur, it is important to remember that mental well-being is crucial for your overall health and can help you make better decisions.

Here are some quick tips to remember when thinking about mental wellness:

1. Be healthy-Everyone knows healthy eating and exercise can produce many benefits for your mind and body. Make sure to stay active and eat well to maintain a positive mindset. You may find that you become more creative when you are in a fit state.

2. Have goals- we already touched on this above. Setting goals for yourself is important to achieve certain milestones, but it can motivate you if things get tough. When you have something that keeps you working towards your dreams, it will be easier to maintain positivity with the right mindset.

3. Get enough sleep-The amount of sleep you get every night can significantly impact your mental wellness. It is important to maintain consistent sleeping hours and to try and avoid any distractions before bed.

4. Take care of yourself-Self-care is imperative when it comes to positive thinking for entrepreneurs. This includes taking breaks between tasks, doing things you enjoy, and getting plenty of rest.

5. Practice gratitude-It is easy to get caught up in the everyday tasks you need to accomplish as an entrepreneur. Try your best to take time throughout the day to appreciate all that you have accomplished, whether it's big or small. It will help put life into perspective for you and make it easier to maintain positivity.

6. Keep your life organized- if your desk is a mess, then you will feel more stressed out because it can be overwhelming to look at. Keep an organized system so you don't have to worry about what will happen when something goes wrong.

7. Be open with your feelings- this might be difficult because you don't want to burden your friends and family, but talking about it can really help. This can keep stress levels low.

8. Be proactive- if you catch a problem early on, it's easier to fix. So try to understand what your triggers are and try to avoid them as much as possible.

9. Stay positive- there are many things in life, but how you look at them is something you can change for the better. Try to see the positive side of situations instead of getting caught up by all the bad stuff.

habits for mental health

Concluding thoughts on the question - What is mental wellness?

Mental wellness is the idea of having a balance within your life-both work, and personal life.

It would help to keep your stress levels low by setting goals with yourself, not overworking yourself and being aware of triggers that may push you into a negative headspace.

Entrepreneurs are more likely than any other group to suffer from depression or anxiety because they often put their own needs last to meet business goals.

But if entrepreneurs neglect themselves for too long, it can negatively impact their ability to think clearly, make decisions quickly, deal with setbacks effectively or bounce back after failure.

Mental health issues also affect productivity, which means there's no way around taking care of oneself when running a small business or startup - mental wellness is crucial.

In this article, we discussed some of the mental wellness measures entrepreneurs can take to avoid any negative consequences. If you found this helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Thanks!

Also, feel free to drop any comments or questions you have in the comment section below.

More Resources

Five ways to wellbeing

Mental illness and well-being: the central importance of positive psychology and recovery approaches

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healthy detox smoothies

Healthy Detox Smoothies You Will Enjoy

Healthy detox smoothies are not only delicious, but they also provide your body with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These essential nutrients help to remove toxins from your body so that you can feel rejuvenated and vibrant. In this article, we will provide you with some easy, healthy detox recipes.

Why Detox Smoothies?

Detox smoothies are a great way to cleanse your body. The ingredients in these drinks provide essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that help to remove unwanted toxins from the bloodstream while also giving you energy.

Detox smoothies can be made with a number of different types of ingredients. Using fresh fruits is an easy way to brighten up these drinks, but you can also use vegetables to create detox smoothies.

Detox ingredients are packed with antioxidants and provide powerful vitamins like C and E that help to protect the skin from free radical damage that causes signs of aging.

These types of smoothies can also help support weight loss by improving the digestive system function.

Making Detox Smoothies

Detox smoothies are easy to make using a blender or food processor. They can be blended up in just minutes, so it's easy to whip these smoothies together after a long day at work.

Most detox recipes include ingredients such as citrus fruits and berries that are packed with antioxidants and provide an energy boost when you need it most.

These drinks also have ingredients that support liver function, which helps to clean the skin and remove any toxins.

Detoxing your body doesn’t have to be a chore. A healthy diet and lifestyle can help you stay at the top of your game, feeling great and living longer.

And when it comes to making changes that will have a lasting impact on both your health and happiness, there’s nothing more important than getting started!

These smoothies are so delicious you won't even miss all those empty calories from sugar-laden drinks or high-calorie snacks.

In fact, incorporating these detox smoothies into your routine is one of the easiest ways to get back on track and feel good about yourself.

Here are some detox recipes to get you started with your detox smoothies:

1 - Healthy Detox Berry Smoothie

This recipe is loaded with vitamins and nutrients so you can feel good about drinking it every day. Additionally, berries are known to curb your sugar cravings throughout the day – another benefit when choosing this type of smoothie for weight loss.

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

healthy detox smoothies

2 - Green Detox Smoothie

If you are new to eating green foods like spinach and kale, this recipe can help ease you into the challenge. The taste of the fruit overpowers the taste of the greens so those who don't normally like vegetables might be able to stomach this drink. 

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Serves: 4

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

healthy detox smoothies

3 - Papaya Coconut Smoothie

Papaya is loaded with enzymes that help your body to naturally get rid of toxins and junk. When you buy papaya, make sure it feels slightly soft to the touch and is fragrant. Coconut milk has a high percentage of healthy fats, making it perfect for weight loss and curbing hunger.

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Serves: 6

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

healthy detox smoothies

4 - Strawberry Spinach Smoothie

This Strawberry spinach smoothie is packed full of nutrients from the fruit, cashew milk and spinach. The taste might be too strong for some people who are used to sweet or creamy smoothies but this drink is a wonderful detox choice because it is so low in calories yet really filling.

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Serves: 5

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

healthy detox smoothies

5 - Blueberry Lemon Smoothie

This smoothie has an excellent flavour that will make you feel like you are drinking a treat while getting all sorts of health benefits.

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Serves: 2

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

healthy detox smoothies
healthy detox smoothies

Step 1

The first step to creating detox smoothies is choosing the ingredients that will leave your body feeling clean and refreshed.

Some people like to start with a base of yogurt or milk but it’s also fine to use green tea or even water as the liquid ingredient in your smoothie.

If you are using yogurt, you can choose between using either Greek yogurt or regular yogurt. If you opt for a milk base, you should use either soy milk or almond milk to get the most out of your smoothies.

Raw fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins so don’t be afraid to load up on those items that fall into this category. The best way to get these nutrients into your system is to go with green smoothies.

You can use spinach as a base ingredient or whip up an avocado, cucumber and kale smoothie for a truly nutritious drink.

As you experiment with creating detox smoothies at home, don’t be surprised if you find yourself craving more natural foods instead of high-calorie items. The key is to remember that you are more in control than you think.

You can eat well every day and feel good about it because your smoothies will be full of flavor and bursting with nutrients.

Step 2

The second step is to choose a time period when you will incorporate detox smoothies into your daily routine. The best way to ensure success is to set goals for yourself and plan accordingly.

For example, if you want to keep your smoothies simple at first, use them as meal replacements or snacks instead of opting for more complicated recipes. You can slowly start incorporating additional ingredients into your smoothies as you get comfortable with the more natural way of eating.

By planning ahead and making sure that you have the right ingredients on hand, there will be no excuse for not enjoying a healthy detox smoothie every day.

These drinks are a great start to reaching your weight loss goals and keeping yourself in good shape throughout the year. Incorporating these smoothies into your routine will get you one step closer to the overall health you have been dreaming of.

Step 3

The third step is to choose the right tools to create your detox smoothies. You will need either a blender or a juicer to process the ingredients in these drinks and you should opt for blenders if you prefer smoother, more liquid concoctions.

There are many different types of

Step 4

The final step is to experiment with the ingredients that work best for you. Once you have created your first detox smoothie, share it with a friend or family member and get their opinion on how it tastes and whether they think the drink will do what it is supposed to.

The only way to discover what recipes are truly effective is by testing the waters yourself. Remember that if you are making smoothies for weight loss, the key is to choose fresh ingredients and be sure to avoid high-calorie additives like chocolate syrup or cookies.

The drawback of detox smoothies

Homemade detox smoothies are best when they are fresh and include the proper ingredients. However, smoothie shops can be expensive and you might not always know what is going into your drink.

If you want to detox but don't have time to stop at a smoothie shop or don't have the ingredients on hand, consider making your own smoothies at home using ingredients you already have.

Before you get on a detox smoothie plan, you might want to consult your doctor. You should also talk with a certified nutritionist about the best way for you to detoxify while keeping a proper balance of nutrients.

healthy detox smoothies
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how to make a strawberry smoothie bowl

How To Make a Strawberry Smoothie Bowl Tasty With Pistachio

How to make a strawberry smoothie bowl is easier and tastier than you think. Smoothie bowls are the perfect breakfast. They're easy to make, taste great, and can be served in an almost infinite number of ways. And they're inexpensive too!

Every morning since I discovered how delicious smoothie bowls are for breakfast, my mornings have been so much better. I'm not sluggish or tired anymore because my bowl is packed with protein and fruit, which helps me stay energized.

But what's probably best about this type of breakfast is that it gives you a chance to experiment with flavours that would never go well together otherwise- like strawberry and pistachio!!

If your mornings need some lightening up, then try out this recipe for yourself! In this article, I go over the ingredients and steps to have a tasty breakfast of your own in no time.

What is a smoothie bowl, and why should you have it for breakfast?

Smoothie bowls are popular breakfast items that can be eaten in a variety of ways. They're made like a regular smoothie - with fresh fruit, liquid, ice- but they have other ingredients blended into them because they need thicker to hold all the toppings!

And then, the smoothie is topped with different things like granola, chocolate chips, fruit and more. It gives you a chance to try out any flavour combination your little heart desires!

The benefits of having a smoothie bowl for breakfast

Smoothie bowls are an excellent way to start your day. They are packed with nutritious ingredients that will help you gain energy, give you a healthy boost and can be served in various ways.

Here are some benefits of adding a smoothie bowl to your diet:

1) Boost your energy

One of the best benefits of a smoothie bowl is that they are packed with nutrients and proteins. They help to get your day started on the right foot and will leave you feeling full, energised and ready to take on the world. 

Not only are they delicious, but they also provide many health benefits.

2) Extra protein

Incorporating a smoothie into your daily routine will help you get the extra boost of protein that many people are looking for.

Protein is essential to building and maintaining muscle and many other functions in our body, so it is important to make sure we are getting all of the nutrients we need!

This is especially beneficial to those who are lactose intolerant or vegan.

3) Delicious and nutritious

Not only is it beneficial to our health, but these smoothie bowls taste delicious!

If you add ingredients such as chocolate or peanut butter into your bowl, you know that you will be in for a sweet treat that can help get even the worst of days started on the right foot.

4) Cost-effective

Smoothie bowls are a cost-effective way to get in all of your nutrients, and they can be served in a variety of ways.

Not only are they delicious, but they are easy and inexpensive to make, which is perfect for those looking to save some cash! 

Smoothies can also be frozen and stored for up to a month, making them the perfect on-the-go snack or breakfast.

5) Versatility

Not only can you make smoothie bowls with a variety of fruits, but they can also be served in various ways! Why not try them layered?

This is great for those looking for a thicker consistency or who may not be keen on the texture. Place your fruit at the bottom of your bowl, followed by a scoop of yoghurt and top with granola for an extra crunch! 

Your smoothie bowl can also be served in a jar for those looking to take it to go.

Strawberry and pistachio are not flavours that usually go together, but the result is delicious!

This smoothie bowl is creamy, refreshing and sweet with just a hint of nutty flavour in the background. The base of this breakfast tastes like strawberry yoghurt, which is another reason why it tastes so good! 

The ratio of ingredients is kept similar every time, so you know how much to use. This will ensure your smoothie bowl tastes the same every time.

How to make your strawberry and pistachio smoothie bowl 

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Serves: 1 

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

how to make a strawberry smoothie bowl


Rinse strawberries under cold running water and drain them in a fine-mesh sieve. After about 10-15 minutes, transfer strawberries to a baking sheet lined with a kitchen towel.

Gently brush each piece with a small piece of kitchen paper to remove any remaining water and freeze for about an hour (preferably overnight). 

Peel and chop bananas into chunks. Place in a freezer along with strawberries and freeze well before using. 

When ready to make the bowl, remove banana and strawberries from the freezer and transfer them to a food processor.

Process for about 10-15 seconds to break the fruit. Now, add the remaining ingredients and about one tablespoon of agave nectar. If the mixture is not sweet enough, add some more agave nectar and mix all well. 

For a thicker mixture, reduce the almond milk and vice versa. 

Optionally, top with some fruits, nuts, and seeds. Serve the pistachio strawberry bowl immediately or refrigerate for up to an hour. 

The 'goodies' in your smoothie

This strawberry and pistachio bowl is a wonderful combination of all the essential nutrients your body needs for a healthy start to the day. 

 Strawberries are among the most popular fruits on the planet.

These antioxidant-rich berries are packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. 

With only 49 calories per cup, strawberries provide fantastic flavour, improve heart function, prevent cancer, boost brain function (which can be quite handy, especially in the morning before work), balance hormones, and have a mind-blowing anti-inflammatory power.

Furthermore, strawberries naturally contain salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, and ellagic acid, which are reliable allies fighting skin problems. 

Greek yoghurt is another important ingredient in a healthy breakfast recipe. This creamy and almost neutral food is rich in protein, calcium, and probiotics for a healthy gut and perfect digestion.

Protein is one of the three nutrients that provide energy, transfer oxygen across cell membranes, and build muscles.

On the other hand, calcium is an essential mineral (responsible for healthy bones, cartilage, and strong muscles) that helps your vital organs function.

The tender milky texture of Greek yoghurt makes it one of the most commonly used ingredients for different smoothies, milkshakes, and smoothie bowls.

Due to its specific flavour can easily be combined with different fruit, nuts, seeds, or food flavours. 

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Healthy Detox Smoothie Recipes

Delicious Healthy Apple Pie Smoothie Recipe

Nutritionally-loaded Avocado Almond Butter Smoothie

Tips on making the perfect smoothie bowl

Smoothie bowls are a delicious and easy way to start your day. They mix up the healthy smoothie with toppings and will leave you feeling nourished and ready to take on the world. But – not all smoothies are created equal! Here are some tips for making a great smoothie bowl:

1) Slow down

Don't blend your smoothie at high speed right away! Take some time to get things moving around in the blender, and then slowly increase your speed until you reach a happy medium.

This will help to keep those pesky chunks of fruit, ice or seeds from creeping up on you. It will also help to evenly distribute all of the ingredients so that you get an even taste throughout the entire smoothie rather than a burst of something at the beginning.

2) A little goes a long way

Be careful not to add too many ingredients to your smoothie bowl. If you are layering it with lots of different things, I recommend keeping it simple and sticking to one or two things that really stand out. Please don't overdo it. 

After all, you don't want to end up with a smoothie bowl that tastes more like fruit salad than yummy goodness.

3) Get creative

This is your chance to be creative! What are some of your favourite healthy toppings? Some of the most common smoothie bowl ingredients are granola, berries and nuts. But why not try something a little different?

Throw in some ginger or cacao powder, flax seeds or hemp hearts for added protein! You can even add a dash of cinnamon to take the taste up a notch. The possibilities are endless, and all that is left to do is get started.

4) Preferred liquid

Everyone has a different preference when it comes to the consistency of their smoothie bowl. If you are adding lots of toppings, try using water or milk instead of juice, as this will help thin out your smoothie and make it easier for your spoon to glide through.

For those looking to keep the fruits and seeds in their smoothie, juice or coconut water will be a better choice.

5) Scoop it up

If you are adding granola, protein powder or hemp hearts to your smoothie bowl – make sure that you give them time to soften at the bottom of your bowl before digging in.

It might also help mix up your smoothie with a spoon before scooping it into the bowl to ensure you get all of those delicious ingredients.

6) Enjoy

Enjoy your smoothie bowl however you like it – on a plate, in a jar or from a bowl. Have fun playing around and getting creative.

You can even take a picture and share it with everyone online. Who knows – you may even end up helping to inspire someone else!

how to make a strawberry smoothie

Final thought on how to make a strawberry smoothie bowl with pistachio

We hope you enjoyed this blog post about how to make a smoothie bowl with strawberry and pistachio.

There are many benefits of having one for breakfast, including being easy, inexpensive to make, tasting great, containing nutritious ingredients that will help start your day off on the right foot.

You can also use any fruit or nuts/seeds to top it off if desired! If you have anything else in mind, please feel free to comment below so we can chat more. 

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Smoothie bowl in 5 mins

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easy stuffed bell peppers

Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers With Buckwheat and Almonds

This easy stuffed bell peppers recipe is everything you want in a dish-hearty, budget-friendly, and mum-approved. Enjoy it with a leafy green salad and some fresh fruit for a complete meal that will satisfy the whole family.

Using basic pantry staples like buckwheat flour and unsalted almonds, this stuffed peppers recipe is sure to become one of your go-to weeknight dinners.

What are stuffed bell peppers?

Stuffed bell peppers are a dish of stuffed and baked pepper halves, usually green or red bell peppers. The stuffing is typically prepared with ground meat, rice, chopped onion, tomatoes, and garlic. Other ingredients such as coconut oil, buckwheat flour, and peppers vary depending on the recipe.

Now to our recipe. 

Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers With Buckwheat and Almonds

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Serves: 2

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Preparation Time: 45 minutes

easy stuffed bell peppers


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Grease a small baking dish with some cooking spray or line with parchment paper. Set aside. 

Rinse pepper under cold running water and dry with a kitchen towel. Transfer to a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut each pepper in half, lengthwise, and remove the stem and seeds.

Rinse again making sure to remove any remaining seeds inside the pepper and pat dry. 

Brush pepper halves with olive oil and sprinkle with some salt. Let it sit for a while. 

The Filling 

Now, prepare the filling. Place groats in a small pot and pour in enough water to cover.

Sprinkle with some salt and bring to a boil. Stir well once and reduce the heat to medium-low.

Simmer until all the liquid has evaporated and groats have completely softened. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. 

Lightly grease a non-stick frying pan with some oil or cooking spray and heat up over medium heat.

Add onions and saute until translucent, about 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly. Now, add diced tomatoes and pour in about two tablespoons of water (or even unsweetened tomato juice if you have any).

Reduce the heat to low and gently simmer until tomatoes have completely softened. 

When done, sprinkle with dried celery, garlic powder, thyme, salt, and pepper to taste.

If the mixture is too sour for your taste, you can add about one teaspoon of sugar (make sure to choose brown sugar, cane sugar, or coconut palm sugar). 

Finally, stir in the previously cooked buckwheat groats and goat's cheese. Mix all well and remove from the heat. 

Place peppers in the prepared baking dish and stuff each with the tomato mixture. Depending on the size of the peppers, you might have some tomato mixture left – just top the peppers with it. 

Bake for 20 minutes or until lightly golden brown on top. Remove from the oven and cool for about 10-15 minutes before serving.

Optionally, top each pepper with one tablespoon of sour cream or Greek yogurt. You can also serve with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. 

Bell Peppers Stuffed with Buckwheat and Almonds

What makes stuffed bell peppers healthy?

In addition to being delicious, this stuffed green bell peppers dish is also packed with nutrition. Green bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene (otherwise known as vitamin A). They provide dietary fiber, vitamin K, and potassium to help you fight heart disease, keep your bones strong, and maintain overall good health.

Their high vitamin C content also makes them an effective immunity booster, helping you avoid the common cold and other illnesses.

Another substance found in bell peppers – capsaicin is known for its multiple health benefits. It directly lowers the bad cholesterol levels, controls inflammation, and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Besides these well-known nutrients found in bell peppers, they are also an amazing source of vitamin B6, E, and several important enzymes such as lutein. 

Stuffed peppers are a low-carb recipe option, making them perfect for those who follow keto or paleo diets.

This stuffed green pepper recipe uses buckwheat flour instead of breadcrumbs to keep it gluten-free and grain-free. The almonds in the stuffing provide healthy fats to keep you full, while buckwheat is a complete plant protein.

What makes a good filling?

It's really up to you. Fillings typically consist of some type of meat or vegetarian alternative, rice or quinoa, vegetables and herbs. For this dish, we decided to use buckwheat and almonds to make the stuffing.

Buckwheat is a seed that is often used in place of grains (especially rice) since it's gluten-free, nutrient-dense and high protein! It can be found at most grocery stores or online.

 Along with being gluten-free, buckwheat works exceptionally well as a pâté or stuffing since it takes on the flavour of whatever you combine it with and helps absorb liquid.

For this recipe, we went with almonds since they are the most common nut in our pantry and work great for flours.

Almonds can be bought pre-blanched, raw, or blanched to reduce their natural phytic acid content which can cause digestive discomfort if consumed too quickly! They also happen to be a staple for many paleo and vegan dishes!

You can find almonds at most grocery stores or online from companies like Vitacost.

Not only that bell peppers look great with their brigth colors and firm textures, but they also taste fantastic in so many different recipes and have some mind-blowing nutritional benefits.

This fantastic vegetable has only about 45 calories per one cup but also that one cup provides more than your daily needs for vitamin A and C!

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Delicious Pistachio Strawberry Bowl for breakfast

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Tips for best result

Baking stuffed bell peppers is a very simple process but there are a few tips to make sure you get the best result possible.

First, try not to stuff them too full with your mixture. You want to make sure they can sit upright on their own with a little space around the top, just in case your mixture expands as it cooks.

Second, try not to overcook them! The trick is really monitoring how soft the pepper becomes before taking it out of the oven.

We boiled our peppers for a couple of minutes before roasting then checked them every 5 minutes after roasting until they were the perfect amount of tender while still maintaining their shape.

Lastly, we topped ours with fresh parsley for colour and flavour, but you can top them with whatever you want!

Stuffed bell peppers are a perfect leftover meal. Make a couple extra to keep in the fridge and enjoy throughout the week!

You can eat them cold, warm them up in the oven or microwave, or even throw it on the grill if you're feeling but you can leave them alone or try any of your favourite sauces to fit your specific pallet.

Stuffing bell peppers is very easy and a great way to make sure you get some fresh vegetables in your diet! You can find recipes like this one all over the internet by searching for easy stuffed bell pepper recipes.

If you're looking for something a little different, try making stuffed onion or baked acorn squash!

easy stuffed bell pepper

Final thought on Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers With Buckwheat and Almonds

In this article, we’ve shown you how to make an easy stuffed bell peppers dish with buckwheat and almonds. The best part about these recipes is the ingredients- all of them can be found at your local grocery store.

In this recipe, we used buckwheat as the base and almond slivers for the top. This is an excellent choice to serve your family because it does not take any complicated ingredients or steps!

Hope you enjoyed this recipe? Feel free to any comment and let me know if it was easy enough.

Top Rated Ovens in the Market

More Resources

Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Different Grafted Varieties of Bell Pepper

Everything to know about bell peppers

Deeper Dives:

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salad recipes for

5 Salad Recipes For A Rewarding Detox

Salad recipes for detoxing are becoming more and more popular as people realize that it is one of the best ways to cleanse your body of all this junk food.

Eating lots of fresh, organic ingredients means getting rid of all those unhealthy chemicals running through your body and replacing them with healthy raw food nutrients.

Delicious salads are a great way to detox because they taste so good. If you're looking for a way to detoxify your body, in this article, I'll show you 5 salad recipes for detoxing, and we'll touch on the benefits and important things to consider before you start a detox diet.

What is detoxing

Detoxing is a way to cleanse and nourish the body by removing toxins. Toxins can be anything harmful to the body, such as additives in food, pollutants in the air, medications that harm the body, etc.

The idea of detoxing started when people realized how much damage those toxins were causing to their bodies and the environment.

Can't wait to see the recipes? Click here or read on to know the benefits you'll get from these salad recipes.

Benefits of detoxing

Detoxing is a great way to boost the immune system, lose weight, and feel more energized. Many people also report that they have clearer skin, teeth and hair once they detox.

Veggies, Fresh Fruits, and food that contain low saturated fat content with an active lifestyle will make you feel like a million bucks.

For instance,

Kale has incredible health powers and a unique Phytonutrients profile which helps in lowering the risk of cancer. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants. It is also high in vitamins A, C, and K, which supports all over health.


Cauliflower is a significant source of nutrients, and it has unique plant compounds which may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases.

It is also high in Fibre, an excellent source of antioxidants; it's one of the few plant-based sources of choline.

It contains Sulforaphane, which many studies have highlighted can potentially stop cancer such as Leukaemia, Breast cancer, melanoma, and pancreatic cancer.

With just 25 calories per cup, cauliflower has many properties that can help with weight loss.

Beets as well contain vital nutrients like pectin and betaine. Betaine is an amino acid that supports the muscle, the heart, and it's crucial for Liver health.

It helps protects the bile duct by eliminating fat build us well as built-up toxins.

Pectin is another type of fiber, and it improve the digestive system; it helps the body get rid of toxins rather than absorbing them in the body.


Broccoli is excellent for a nourishing energy reboot for chronic inflammation and toxicity, and broccoli offers tremendous support. Get into the habit of eating broccoli at least twice a week to get all the minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins it's loaded with.


Root vegetables are great when planning an intensely detoxifying salad; root vegetables from the favourite cruciferous family are your go-to.

Sweet potatoes, beetroots, parsnips, and carrots all have high potassium levels, which is vital in stimulating your body’s cells to eliminate toxins, water, and sodium.


Avocado is rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, potassium. The fat in avocado may aid nutrient absorption from plant foods.

It is loaded with antioxidants that can protect your eyes, and it's so delicious, making it easy to include them in your diet.

All the above you will find in the different recipes below.


1. Hearty Cauliflower Red Beet Risotto

The first detox salad recipe for detoxing on the list is this Hearty Cauliflower Red Beet Risotto. The beetroot gives this salad a rich, dark colour that your eyes will follow all the way to your belly!

It's also packed with fiber, which helps push everything else you eat out of your system faster so you're left with a lean physique.

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  • Direction

Serves: 4 

Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

salad recipes for

2. The Grand Cleanse Salad

A great way to detox is by eating healthy, natural foods. This salad just so happens to be one of those healthy foods.

It's full of protein and nutrients that will help you put good things into your body instead of junk food and other nasty chemicals and toxins.

The grand cleanse salad is a nice way to detox because it's loaded with superfoods, and also tastes amazing! 

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  • Direction

Serves: 8

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

salad recipes for

3. The Delish Trio

Quinoa, apple and kale are three powerhouse foods that will help your body detox. This salad just so happens to be a tasty way to eat all of these superfoods.

Try out this amazing salad because it's loaded with nutrients and vitamins, while also tasting great!

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Serves: 8

Cooking Time: 6 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

salad recipes for

4. Crunchy Root Veggie Detox Salad Recipes

Root veggies are naturally cleansing to the body because they are packed with vitamins and minerals.

This salad has a lot of those same root veggies along with some other ingredients that will give your body an extra healthy boost.

Try this detox salad out because it tastes great, it's super nutritious, and it'll help you cleanse your system.

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Serves: 6

Cooking Time:  0 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

salad recipes for

5. Special Green Detox Salad

This salad is perfect for a detox because it's so full of nutrients and vitamins. It contains ingredients that will do wonders for your digestive system, while supplying you with the energy to go on with your day.

So give this superfood salad a try because it's loaded with everything that you need in a salad, and it'll help keep your body feeling great.

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  • Direction

Serves: 5

Cooking Time:  0 minutes

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

salad recipes for

Deeper Dives:

How to make your salads taste delicious

When it comes to healthy organic salad recipes for detoxing, there are some basics that everyone should know.

Keeping things fresh is always a good idea when it comes to making sure that you're not eating any spoiled or rotten food.

Here are some tips on what you can do to make your salads taste delicious and keep things as fresh as possible:

First, the type of greens used will really determine how quickly your salad starts going bad. Iceberg lettuce doesn't have a very long life span at all, and it usually starts wilting within just a couple of days.

That's why romaine is the best for making your salads last longer – they'll stay fresh for about five days in the fridge!

Second, if you're using greens like kale or chard, make sure that you cut out the stem and ribs of the leafy vegetables.

These ribs are a lot tougher than other areas of the produce, so if you leave them intact, then your salads will go bad within a couple of days.

Just nip the stems off with your kitchen shears before making your salad, and it will be even more nutritious and delicious.

Finally, the best way to make your salad stay fresh is by adding an acidic liquid like vinegar or lemon juice. The acidity will help slow down how quickly your greens begin to decay so that you can enjoy all that delicious salad goodness for longer than ever!

You'll find that there are many ingredients and dressings you can try out for salads, so there's no way that you won't be able to keep things fresh and healthy.

Things to consider before you start a detox diet

If you're thinking about starting a detox diet, here are some things to consider beforehand:

  1. Make sure you are not currently on a low-calorie diet since many detox diets are a form of starvation. You don't want to put your body under more stress than it already is!
  2. If you have certain medical conditions, make sure you talk to your doctor before starting any kind of diet.
  3. Don't stay on a full detox regimen for more than 2 weeks since some people have reported developing anaemia after following this kind of restrictive diet for too long.

Common symptoms of over-detoxification or detoxing too much

A common symptom of detoxing too much is withdrawal. Withdrawal is when the body starts to feel ill, and you experience flu-like symptoms after stopping a certain substance that it had been addicted to.

Another possible symptom of detoxing too much is malnutrition. If you're not eating enough calories during your detox, you could become underweight or malnourished.

salad recipes for

Final Thoughts on Salad Recipes for detoxing

If you're looking for a way to detox your body and clear out all the junk food cravings, then eating healthy may be just what you need.

A great way to do this is by consuming lots of natural foods to help rid your body of toxins. One terrific way to get more vegetables in your diet is through salads!

We've provided 5 salad recipes in this article that are great for detoxing.

So go ahead and give these a try, we know they'll leave you feeling healthier and happier than ever before. have any comments or questions? Let us know in the comment section below.

More Resources

Detoxes” and “Cleanses”: What You Need To Know


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homemade detox tea

5 Homemade detox tea recipes you will enjoy

Homemade detox teas help you to detoxify your body and feel lighter, healthier and more energised.

Detoxifying your body is essential for overall health. This article will provide recipes for making homemade detox tea that helps purify the body and positively impact your energy levels.

Detoxing doesn't have to be complicated-you need time, patience and dedication. And there are many ways to carry out detoxing, from juicing to fasting.

In addition, detoxification is not a new phenomenon. It has been practised for centuries and was first recorded by Hippocrates when he prescribed the daily use of saffron tea as a cure for sickness.

This herbal tea would be consumed after every meal to flush toxins out of the body and prevent illness.

Benefits of homemade Detox tea

Making your detox tea at home is not only cost-effective, but it's also good for the environment! Homemade Detox teas can be made with ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen.

You can use fresh, frozen or dried ingredients that you have on hand to make soothing, delicious home remedies for detoxification. 

Now that you know how beneficial homemade tea recipes are, what exactly do they detoxify? These teas cleanse the digestive system and help rid the body of harmful toxins.

They also promote healthy liver function. The liver is one of the main organs in the body that detoxifies, and you need to help it do its job!

Choosing ingredients for homemade detox tea

When selecting ingredients, try to buy organic where possible. This is when you know your food hasn't been contaminated with harmful chemicals.

Why it's important: Organic foods are known as nutrient-rich foods. They contain higher concentrations of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than non-organic foods!

What to use

homemade detox tea

Cinnamon sticks: 

Cinnamon is great for digestion and boosting your metabolism. You can add a teaspoon to boiling water or steep it into a tea with another organic ingredient such as ginger.

Green tea: 

Green tea has high concentrations of polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant that can fight the damage done by free radicals. It also contains caffeine which helps boost your metabolism, so you burn more calories.

Apple Cider vinegar: 

This is a great ingredient because the nutrients in ACV are so plentiful. It's rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Plus, it contains pectin fiber that helps eliminate toxins from your digestive system!


There are many health benefits of horsetail-it's rich in calcium, magnesium and silica. It also contains essential oils that help your kidneys, bladder and liver function properly.


Has certain oils and terpenoids that induce detoxification, enhance liver function and help reduce bloating!


Don't worry, it doesn't taste like lemons or lemonade! It tastes great in a tea with ginger and cinnamon. Lemongrass has many benefits, but its most notable ones are: Can fight cancer, Help reduce cholesterol Helps treat colds.


Lime can help you ditch that extra water weight while you're detoxifying. It helps regulate metabolism and contains Vitamin C and citric acid, which prevent plaque build-up in the arteries!

Dandelion root: 

Great for digestion, especially when you have had a night of overindulgence or if your stomach is upset. It can also help lower blood sugar, so it's perfect if you have diabetes.


Ginger is a miracle worker when it comes to digestive health! It's great for settling your stomach, and it can even help soothe nausea and vomiting. It also helps expel gas from the body, which is especially good if you've consumed too much alcohol recently or have an intolerance to certain foods.


Parsley is great for cleansing your blood. It contains lots of chlorophyll and has been known to help prevent bladder, prostate and colon cancers as well as helping to rebuild red blood cells!


Cilantro helps detoxify the body of heavy metals such as mercury and aluminium. It also contains certain oils that can help fight mercury poisoning.

Mint - Mint is great for calming an upset stomach and relieving bloating. It has also been shown to help fight bad breath!

Cayenne pepper: 

Cayenne has been shown to boost metabolism, so it's great when you are detoxifying. It also helps with circulation and can help keep blood pressure in check!


Who doesn't enjoy lemons?! They contain a compound that can help fight cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Lemons can also flush out harmful toxins and help improve skin complexion!


Pomegranate is a super fruit! It's high in antioxidants and contains compounds that help fight cancer and heart disease.

First things first - You will need to ensure that all of your equipment has been cleaned beforehand not to contaminate your drink.

Now that you know the main benefit you can derive from these recipes below, it’s time to make yours. 

5 Homemade Detox Tea Recipes

1.  The Combo Homemade Detox Tea

This detox tea is great because of how many different purposes ACV has. It can help with digestion, weight loss and even soothe sore throats.

Make sure to only use freshly squeezed lemons, you don't want any added sugars or preservatives in your detox tea.

  • Key Inf0

  • ingredients

  • Direction

Serves: 2 

Cooking Time:  7 minutes

Preparation Time:  5 minutes

homemade detox tea

2 - Lemon Ginger Detox Tea

This detox tea is perfect for cleansing the liver and kidneys. It also helps our bodies release toxins as well as lose water weight. You can drink this tea without any caffeine or worry about jitters because green tea is full of antioxidants.

  • Key Inf0

  • ingredients

  • Direction

Serves: 3 

Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

3 - Mint Parsley Tea

This tea is perfect because it's refreshing! It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help your body get rid of free radicals.

mint leaves - you can pick these from your very own garden or even window box if you're not a fan of the grocery store.

  • Key Inf0

  • ingredients

  • Direction

Serves: 4

Cooking Time:  5 minutes

Preparation Time:  10 minutes

4 - Horsetail-Pomegranate Detox Tea

This tea is great because it has pomegranate in it which helps with metabolism and iron absorption.

For the dried horsetail (you can also use fresh if you've got it) - make sure to only use the stems, not the leaves.

  • Key Inf0

  • ingredients

  • Direction

Serves: 4 

Cooking Time:  5 minutes

Preparation Time:  12 minutes

5. Apple Cider Tea

Last but not least, this tea is great because it's so versatile. You can drink it hot or cold and if you're feeling up to the challenge, add some grated ginger root for an extra detoxifying kick!

  • Key Inf0

  • ingredients

  • Direction

Serves: 2

Cooking Time:  7 minutes

Preparation Time:  10 minutes

Deeper Dives:

homemade detox tea

Final thoughts on homemade detox tea recipes

Detoxing your body is a great way to feel healthier and lighter, but it can be difficult to know where to start. The homemade detox tea recipes provided in this article are all easy to make and affordable.

They're perfect for purifying the blood, relieving an upset stomach or calming bloating! We hope you enjoyed learning about these natural remedies that will help improve your health without any side effects.  

As with other detox recipes, the word is caution and no extremism, listen to your body but first consult with your doctor before going on any detox diet especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Which of these ingredients has never been in your kitchen? I hope you enjoyed learning about these natural remedies that will help improve your health without any side effects. Feel free to drop any comments or questions in the box below.

More Resources

Detoxes” and “Cleanses”: What You Need To Know




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balancing hormones for weight loss

Balancing Hormones For Weight Loss Success

Balancing hormones for weight loss can help you achieve your desired results faster. When you think about losing weight, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

Working out more often? Eating less and healthier food? Cutting out sugar and processed foods? Sure, all of those things can contribute to achieving an ideal body composition and healthy hormones. 

But, many women overlook the impact that hormones have on their weight. Until you start paying attention to how your hormones affect weight loss, you might not see the results you're looking for.

In this article, you'll discover how balancing your hormones can help you lose more weight.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals released by different glands in the body. These chemical signals typically travel through your bloodstream to different organs and tissues. It is the changes in hormone levels that signal your body to make certain responses to various stimuli. 

Hormones play an important role in regulating numerous bodily functions: reproduction, metabolism, growth, development and behaviour, just to name a few. 

Thyroid hormones help regulate metabolism; sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) regulate the menstrual cycle; growth hormone regulates growth in children; cortisol helps regulate metabolism and blood sugar levels.

When it comes to losing weight, hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact. It is your hormones that tell your body to either increase or decrease appetite and hunger. 

They also signal to your body whether you need fuel or if it should start conserving fat stores.

Hormonal Imbalance and Weight Gain

balancing hormones for weight loss

What are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals released by different glands in the body. These chemical signals typically travel through your bloodstream to different organs and tissues. It is the changes in hormone levels that signal your body to make certain responses to various stimuli. 

Hormones play an important role in regulating numerous bodily functions: reproduction, metabolism, growth, development and behaviour, just to name a few. 

Thyroid hormones help regulate metabolism; sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) regulate the menstrual cycle; growth hormone regulates growth in children; cortisol helps regulate metabolism and blood sugar levels.

When it comes to losing weight, hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact. It is your hormones that tell your body to either increase or decrease appetite and hunger. 

They also signal to your body whether you need fuel or if it should start conserving fat stores.

Hormonal Imbalance and Weight Gain

Many different factors contribute to your body composition and overall health, including age, lifestyle, stress and nutrition. 

But, it's impossible to ignore the impact of hormones on each one of those things. In fact, hormonal imbalance often leads to weight gain. 

Hormonal Imbalance Causes Weight Gain

There are a few different hormonal imbalances that can cause weight gain. For instance, did you know that some women actually have too much estrogen in their bodies? 

Estrogen dominance (when your estrogen levels are higher than your progesterone) causes increased water retention and bloating. It also leads to cravings for sweets. 

The increase in estrogen is usually caused by environmental estrogens, which are chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen.

If you're not producing enough estrogen, progesterone or testosterone in your body, it could be affecting your weight. Similarly, if you have too much cortisol in your system, you might start putting on extra weight. 

The relationship between cortisol, estrogen and progesterone is complicated, but it's incredibly important to your body composition nonetheless.

For instance, if you have too much insulin in your blood due to insulin resistance (see above), then your testosterone levels will drop. Meanwhile, cortisol starts increasing. 

Cortisol signals for your body to store fat to protect itself. It also triggers sugar cravings, making it even harder to resist the urge to eat sweet snacks late at night.

An imbalanced hormone system can cause some problems, including mood swings and water retention.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms

balancing hormones for weight loss

Hormonal imbalance can lead to a variety of symptoms, including weight gain and sluggishness. 

If you recognise any of the following problems on your own, then it's a good time to book an appointment with your doctor: weight gain, bloating, water retention, mood swings and fatigue.

How Hormonal Imbalance Affects Your Weight Loss Attempts

If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, then it's going to be difficult for you to lose weight until you get your hormones back in balance. 

For instance, estrogen dominance is one of the biggest problems for women who are trying to lose weight. 

Their high levels of estrogen trigger them to crave sugar and carbohydrates, which makes them more likely to overeat.

Balancing Your Hormones For Weight Loss

Hormones are like messengers in the body that tell your cells what to do. When you're overweight or obese, these messengers are thrown off-balance – they don't know how to respond and tell your cells to store fat.

This results in weight gain and other hormonal disruptions like acne or brittle hair. If you're struggling with hormonal imbalance and its accompanying symptoms, then it's time to get your body back into balance. 

One of the best ways to do that is through diet and exercise. Start by eating whole foods like organic fruits, vegetables and lean meats each day. 

Cut out sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods from your diet as much as possible.

Then, get your body moving. Exercise will help keep your hormones in check while improving muscle tone and metabolism. 

For example, insulin resistance is tied to a lack of aerobic fitness. Plus, exercise reduces cortisol levels while increasing testosterone and growth hormone (at least in men).

Decrease Cortisol Levels for Fast Weight Loss

balancing hormones for weight loss

Cortisol is a stress hormone that regulates blood sugar levels by signalling the release of glucose into the bloodstream. 

Many people consume foods high in processed sugars and carbohydrates, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. 

A quick spike of glucose triggers the release of cortisol to help regulate your body's energy balance. 

As you may have guessed, this process can perpetuate and become a vicious cycle. The more stressed you are, the more often you'll feel the need to reach for high-carbohydrate foods (i.e., chocolate, cookies) to balance your blood sugar levels. 

If you are constantly eating unhealthy carbs or sugars, it can lead to insulin resistance and other health problems such as weight gain, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

To lose weight, it is critical to balance cortisol levels. Decreasing stress levels can help reduce cortisol production and lead to a calorie deficit, which will help you lose weight more quickly. 

Here are some natural ways to lower your cortisol levels:

  • Exercise (moderate intensity workouts-between 20-30 minutes)
  • Meditation or mindfulness practice
  • Pilates or deep breathing
  • Practice positive self-talk 

As you can see, balancing your hormones can help you lose more weight by making it much easier to manage stress and achieve a calorie deficit. 

By decreasing cortisol levels, you'll feel calmer throughout the day and have more energy to enjoy activities that are important to you. 

Balancing your other hormones like thyroid and sex hormones will also help you lose weight more quickly and easily while improving your overall health.

Deeper Dive:

Delicious foods that promote a healthy digestive system

Turmeric Milk Benefits – 13 Interesting Benefits Your Body Will Love

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List: 13 Delicious Foods That Helps Fight Inflammation

Steps on how to balance hormones and shed those extra pounds

balancing hormones for weight loss

Step 1: Eat healthier

Stop eating processed food and eat more fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Your body needs fuel to run efficiently and you cannot expect it to burn fat if you are constantly feeding it junk.

Step 2: Stop drinking soda

I know we all love our tasty, tasty pop but you are only hurting yourself by continuing to drink diet and regular soda.

Water is the way to go. It will help you get the extra calories needed to lose weight out of your system and reduce bloating.

Step 3: Add good fats into your diet

Good fats include anything from avocados to nuts. They are crucial to weight loss and keeping your hormones balanced.

Step 4: Eat more frequently

Three meals a day is not enough for most people. Not only does it get hard to maintain, but you're also more likely to overeat at each meal because your body isn't getting what it needs when your stomach is empty. It's best if you eat 5-6 small meals during the day.

Step 5: Get your ZZZs!

Try to get 8 hours of sleep EVERY night. Sleep is crucial to balancing out hormones and losing weight as it helps with insulin production, hormone regulation, muscle recovery, and hunger suppression.

Step 6: Drink Green Tea

Green tea has been found to help boost metabolism and burn fat. It is also great for hormone control. Drink about 1-3 cups of green tea a day and watch the pounds shed off!

Step 7: Listen to Your Body

If you're hungry, eat something good for yourself (not junk food). Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

Step 8: Get Moving

Start exercising and get your body moving! You can start with walking a mile a day, then move on to jogging or biking and if you want to you can even start lifting weights again.

But remember that exercise doesn't have to be hard at first. It's more important to just get started.

Benefits of balancing your hormones

balancing hormones for weight loss

Without proper hormone balance, the body may exhibit symptoms and problems such as:

  • Moodswings
  • Weakened immune system
  • Poor bone health
  • Infertility
  • Low libido

Each of these symptoms can have an impact on weight loss because they are not allowing your body to function properly. The right hormonal balance will allow you to lose weight and keep it off.

Nutrients To Consider

To ensure that you have balance in your hormones for weight loss success, consider adding a multivitamin and mineral supplement and eat foods rich in the nutrients listed below:

Omega-3 fatty acids

You can find these in fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids will also include leafy greens and vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains compounds called oleocanthal and oleacein that have been shown to encourage weight loss.


Citrus fruits like lemons, limes and grapefruit contain hormones that can balance estrogen levels in the body. This will make it easier for you to lose weight while feeling healthy.

Cruciferous vegetables

These include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts among others. Cruciferous vegetables are an excellent source of iodine, which will help balance hormones in the body.


Zinc can be found in foods such as oysters, beef and lamb. It can also be taken as a supplement for women who need a little more support when it comes to balancing their hormones when trying to lose weight.


Magnesium and calcium work together to build up the body's endocrine system, which regulates and balances your hormones.

Magnesium is often used as a supplement for women who have PCOS because it lowers testosterone levels while increasing estrogen production in the ovaries.

Zinc works with your estrogen to control neurotransmitter production and helps you to maintain a healthy metabolic system.

Magnesium can also make it easier for your body to process sugar, which will reduce the risk of fat accumulation all over your body from carbs and sugar.

This is why magnesium is often added to weight loss supplements for PCOS, as well as anti-depressants.

balancing hormones for weight loss

Final thoughts on balancing hormones for weight loss

The key to losing weight is balancing your hormones. This means eating healthier, reducing sugar intake and adding good fats to your diet along with getting plenty of sleep and exercise.

When you consider these steps, it becomes easier for your body to shed pounds. In this article, we discussed ways that can help balance out the hormones that are preventing you from reaching your goal weight.

If you want to lose weight, then it is important to focus on the underlying causes of an imbalance in your hormones.

This includes preventing chronic stress, treating any sleep disorders, and making sure that you have a healthy thyroid system.

These factors can be the difference between losing ten pounds or gaining twenty during your next weight loss attempt.

More Resources

Stress and hormones

A Review of Weight Control Strategies and Their Effects on the Regulation of Hormonal Balance

balancing hormones for weight loss

If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, then it's going to be difficult for you to lose weight until you get your hormones back in balance. 

For instance, estrogen dominance is one of the biggest problems for women who are trying to lose weight. 

Their high levels of estrogen trigger them to crave sugar and carbohydrates, which makes them more likely to overeat.

Balancing Your Hormones For Weight Loss

Hormones are like messengers in the body that tell your cells what to do. When you're overweight or obese, these messengers are thrown off-balance – they don't know how to respond and tell your cells to store fat.

This results in weight gain and other hormonal disruptions like acne or brittle hair. If you're struggling with hormonal imbalance and its accompanying symptoms, then it's time to get your body back into balance. 

One of the best ways to do that is through diet and exercise. Start by eating whole foods like organic fruits, vegetables and lean meats each day. 

Cut out sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods from your diet as much as possible.

Then, get your body moving. Exercise will help keep your hormones in check while improving muscle tone and metabolism. 

For example, insulin resistance is tied to a lack of aerobic fitness. Plus, exercise reduces cortisol levels while increasing testosterone and growth hormone (at least in men).

Decrease Cortisol Levels for Fast Weight Loss

Cortisol is a stress hormone that regulates blood sugar levels by signalling the release of glucose into the bloodstream. 

Many people consume foods high in processed sugars and carbohydrates, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. 

A quick spike of glucose triggers the release of cortisol to help regulate your body's energy balance. 

As you may have guessed, this process can perpetuate and become a vicious cycle. The more stressed you are, the more often you'll feel the need to reach for high-carbohydrate foods (i.e., chocolate, cookies) to balance your blood sugar levels. 

If you are constantly eating unhealthy carbs or sugars, it can lead to insulin resistance and other health problems such as weight gain, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

To lose weight, it is critical to balance cortisol levels. Decreasing stress levels can help reduce cortisol production and lead to a calorie deficit, which will help you lose weight more quickly. 

Here are some natural ways to lower your cortisol levels:

  • Exercise (moderate intensity workouts-between 20-30 minutes)
  • Meditation or mindfulness practice
  • Pilates or deep breathing
  • Practice positive self-talk 

As you can see, balancing your hormones can help you lose more weight by making it much easier to manage stress and achieve a calorie deficit. 

By decreasing cortisol levels, you'll feel calmer throughout the day and have more energy to enjoy activities that are important to you. 

Balancing your other hormones like thyroid and sex hormones will also help you lose weight more quickly and easily while improving your overall health.

Deeper Dive:

Delicious foods that promote a healthy digestive system

Turmeric Milk Benefits – 13 Interesting Benefits Your Body Will Love

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List: 13 Delicious Foods That Helps Fight Inflammation

Steps on how to balance hormones and shed those extra pounds

Step 1: Eat healthier

Stop eating processed food and eat more fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Your body needs fuel to run efficiently and you cannot expect it to burn fat if you are constantly feeding it junk.

Step 2: Stop drinking soda

I know we all love our tasty, tasty pop but you are only hurting yourself by continuing to drink diet and regular soda.

Water is the way to go. It will help you get the extra calories needed to lose weight out of your system and reduce bloating.

Step 3: Add good fats into your diet

Good fats include anything from avocados to nuts. They are crucial to weight loss and keeping your hormones balanced.

Step 4: Eat more frequently

Three meals a day is not enough for most people. Not only does it get hard to maintain, but you're also more likely to overeat at each meal because your body isn't getting what it needs when your stomach is empty. It's best if you eat 5-6 small meals during the day.

Step 5: Get your ZZZs!

Try to get 8 hours of sleep EVERY night. Sleep is crucial to balancing out hormones and losing weight as it helps with insulin production, hormone regulation, muscle recovery, and hunger suppression.

Step 6: Drink Green Tea

Green tea has been found to help boost metabolism and burn fat. It is also great for hormone control. Drink about 1-3 cups of green tea a day and watch the pounds shed off!

Step 7: Listen to Your Body

If you're hungry, eat something good for yourself (not junk food). Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

Step 8: Get Moving

Start exercising and get your body moving! You can start with walking a mile a day, then move on to jogging or biking and if you want to you can even start lifting weights again.

But remember that exercise doesn't have to be hard at first. It's more important to just get started.

Benefits of balancing your hormones

Without proper hormone balance, the body may exhibit symptoms and problems such as:

  • Moodswings
  • Weakened immune system
  • Poor bone health
  • Infertility
  • Low libido

Each of these symptoms can have an impact on weight loss because they are not allowing your body to function properly. The right hormonal balance will allow you to lose weight and keep it off.

Nutrients To Consider

To ensure that you have balance in your hormones for weight loss success, consider adding a multivitamin and mineral supplement and eat foods rich in the nutrients listed below:

Omega-3 fatty acids

You can find these in fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids will also include leafy greens and vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains compounds called oleocanthal and oleacein that have been shown to encourage weight loss.


Citrus fruits like lemons, limes and grapefruit contain hormones that can balance estrogen levels in the body. This will make it easier for you to lose weight while feeling healthy.

Cruciferous vegetables

These include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts among others. Cruciferous vegetables are an excellent source of iodine, which will help balance hormones in the body.


Zinc can be found in foods such as oysters, beef and lamb. It can also be taken as a supplement for women who need a little more support when it comes to balancing their hormones when trying to lose weight.


Magnesium and calcium work together to build up the body's endocrine system, which regulates and balances your hormones.

Magnesium is often used as a supplement for women who have PCOS because it lowers testosterone levels while increasing estrogen production in the ovaries.

Zinc works with your estrogen to control neurotransmitter production and helps you to maintain a healthy metabolic system.

Magnesium can also make it easier for your body to process sugar, which will reduce the risk of fat accumulation all over your body from carbs and sugar.

This is why magnesium is often added to weight loss supplements for PCOS, as well as anti-depressants.

Final thoughts on balancing hormones for weight loss

The key to losing weight is balancing your hormones. This means eating healthier, reducing sugar intake and adding good fats to your diet along with getting plenty of sleep and exercise.

When you consider these steps, it becomes easier for your body to shed pounds. In this article, we discussed ways that can help balance out the hormones that are preventing you from reaching your goal weight.

If you want to lose weight, then it is important to focus on the underlying causes of an imbalance in your hormones. This includes preventing chronic stress, treating any sleep disorders, and making sure that you have a healthy thyroid system.

These factors can be the difference between losing ten pounds or gaining twenty during your next weight loss attempt.

More Resources

Stress and hormones

A Review of Weight Control Strategies and Their Effects on the Regulation of Hormonal Balance

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how to boost the immune system with

How To Boost The Immune System With Food

How to boost the immune system with food is a great question! We know that we can't always prevent illnesses, but we can do our best to keep a healthy immune system.

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body from infection. It’s an incredible system with many components, but it can be weakened by stress and illness.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to boost your immune system with food. These healthy foods will provide key nutrients for fighting off infection while boosting your energy levels to fight stressful days.

What is the immune system about?

The immune system is designed to protect the body from viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause disease, as well as toxins, cancer cells and blood components that can trigger an immune response.

The immune system is a network of organs, cells and proteins that work together to identify, target and eliminate harmful invaders.

How does the food we eat support a healthy immune system?

how to boost the immune system with

It is important to note that you cannot always prevent illnesses, but you can boost your immunity with good nutrition!

A healthy immune system requires nutrients and antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

These foods contain key components that boost the body's ability to fight off infection and disease.

Phytochemicals are chemicals found in plants that support immunity. They protect against oxidative stress (the process of unstable molecules damaging cells), reduce inflammation (an immune system response to injury or disease), and fight infection.

Antioxidants are another type of phytochemical that support immunity by reducing inflammation. They also help cells communicate better, which is important for the immune system. Examples include vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and zinc.

Vitamins A, C and E are vitamins that support immunity. They also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, macular degeneration and other diseases.

Zinc is a mineral that boosts immunity and helps to heal wounds by producing new cells. It's important for immunity because it fights off infection and promotes cell growth and division.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential type of fat that the human body cannot produce by itself. These may help reduce inflammation in autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Foods that help boost your immune system 

how to boost the immune system with

Food is one of the best ways to boost your immune system. Many people think that they can only build up their immunity by having a vaccine, but this isn't true!

Vaccines are designed to make you immune against specific viruses, and while it's still possible to get sick even after a vaccine, it can be somehow contained and less severe.

Food has the ability to increase your immunity regardless of whether you have already been exposed or vaccinated against a particular virus or not!

Your body is still able to build up its own defences and protect itself. So if you think that you can continue eating poorly just because you've had a flu shot- think again.

It is crucial to maintain a healthy diet for your body to function properly and efficiently. The better you eat, the healthier you'll feel and the more resistant you will become towards diseases of all kinds!

Here are 18 great food choices that boost immunity:

1. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin, which helps to fight off infection. It can also help prevent cancer and lower cholesterol. It has been used for centuries to treat many conditions and can be found in a variety of dishes.

2. Ginger

The active ingredient (gingerols) is also found in ginger, which helps fight off colds and flu. This spice is most commonly used for digestion at Westen medicine and can be found in dishes across the world.

3. Onion

Like garlic, onion contains allicin and is a wonderful source of immune-boosting nutrients. You don't need to eat raw onions—cooking them makes the nutrients more available to your body (and you can get onion breath from cooked onions).

4. Turmeric

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Like garlic, onion and ginger, turmeric spice can be used in curries and other dishes across the world.

5. Cinnamon

This spice can help control blood sugar levels in diabetics and those with insulin sensitivity. It also may reduce inflammation and lower LDL cholesterol.

6. Apples

This tasty fruit is a great source of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and quercetin, which help to protect the body from harmful free radicals. Quercetin has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits and can help reduce the risk of natural infection.

7. Strawberries

These tasty berries are full of powerful antioxidants that help fight off disease. They also contain vitamin C as well as fiber, which helps improve digestive health.

8. Broccoli

This superfood is full of nutrients that help to boost immune function, including beta-carotene and vitamin C. It's best eaten steamed or lightly cooked (for example, in a stir-fry) to preserve nutrients.

9. Sweet potatoes

These orange root vegetables are full of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to boost immunity and keep skin looking healthy. They're also high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

10. Spinach

This green leafy vegetable is full of immune-boosting nutrients, including vitamin A and vitamin C. It's also very low in calories, so try adding some fresh spinach leaves to your next salad.

11. Papaya

This tropical fruit can help protect the skin from sun damage and contains a wealth of immune system-boosting nutrients. Plus, it's delicious!

12. Blueberries

These tasty berries are rich in antioxidants and help fight off free radicals in the body. They're also an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C and manganese.

13. Green tea

Rich in antioxidants such as EGCG, green tea can help prevent infections and stimulate immune function. It can also help to lower cholesterol and improve heart health.

14. Oats

If you're looking for cheap, healthy food that helps boost immunity, then oats are perfect. They contain beta-glucans, which help to strengthen the immune system and may reduce the risk of contracting common infections such as colds and flu.

15. Red chilli peppers

These tasty treats are a great source of vitamin C, which helps to fight off infection and promote healthy skin, bones and teeth. They're also high in capsaicin (a compound that gives the heat in spicy food) that has been shown to help control blood sugar levels.

16. Tomatoes

This versatile fruit can be used to make low-calorie meals that are full of immune system-boosting nutrients. They're also a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

17. Potatoes

Full of potassium and vitamin C, potatoes are an inexpensive food that helps fight off infections and keep your immune system healthy.

18. Coconut oil

This healthy oil is full of lauric acid, which has been shown to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

It can be used in place of butter or vegetable oil when cooking, although it does have a high level of saturated fat so don't overdo it.

Tips on eating a healthy diet for strong immune system

how to boost the immune system with

1. Avoid junk food for best results 

While all types of food can be good, the kind that is rich in vitamins and minerals should be preferred over others. 

Junk foods are typically poor in nutrients and high in calories, which makes them a poor choice to feed your immune system with. Instead, stick to fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

2. Use food as medicine 

Many of the foods that are touted as immunity-boosting actually work! For example, garlic contains the compound allicin, which is responsible for its powerful antibiotic properties. 

Other examples include hot peppers and ginger roots. These foods contain capsaicin and gingerol, which are natural substances that fight viruses and bacteria.

3. Avoid processed foods

Processed foods contain a lot of chemicals. These might seem convenient, but they are not good for your immune system in any way. 

For example, sodium benzoate is an additive that is commonly used as a preservative in soft drinks. It can cause adverse effects to the nervous system by creating benzene, a known carcinogen.

This means that if you want to boost your immune system with food, avoid processed foods as much as you can.

4. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is essential to keeping your immune system strong. When the body is dehydrated, it cannot build white blood cells or fight off infection as well as when it is properly hydrated. 

Therefore, drinking plenty of water throughout the day will keep your immune system in tiptop shape.

5. Eat your fruits and vegetables

The best way to boost the immune system with food is by eating a diet rich in veggies, fruits, legumes and nuts.

These foods contain key components that boost the body's ability to fight off infection and disease.

6. Exercise often for best results

Exercising is another great way to keep your immune system strong. People who exercise often tend to have lower levels of stress, which creates a healthier environment in the body.

When you are stressed or anxious, it is harder for your immune system to fight off infectious bacteria and viruses. That's why recovering from intense workouts will help keep them away.

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9 Ways To Control Stress Eating Comfortably

35 Best High Fiber Foods for Digestion – Recipes Included

How to Stop Binge Eating: A Guide for Compulsive Overeaters

Foods that Lower Cortisol Levels: 54 Tasty Options You Will Enjoy

Immunity And Weight Management

how to boost the immune system with

Immunity plays an important role in weight management, as the body immune system helps with the regulation of metabolism as well as preserving lean muscle mass.

If your immunity is low, it can lead to more than just colds and flu – it can result in an underperforming thyroid gland or a slow metabolic rate!

When you are trying to lose weight it is all too easy to let your immunity slip, as many of the foods which can boost it are also higher in calories.

But if you want to be prepared for illness and tiredness, you need to eat foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients.

Split your plate into four sections: vegetables, proteins, grains/carbs, fruit

1. Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower are among the best vegetables to include in your diet.

They are all rich in a compound called indoles which helps the liver get rid of excess estrogen, an estrogen metabolite that has been linked to breast cancer. The fiber also helps keep insulin levels low, aiding weight loss and curbing cravings.

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach and watercress are low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods that also help boost immunity.

They are high in beta-carotene (a type of antioxidant found in the eye which helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration ) as well as vitamin C, an important water-soluble antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage.

2. Protein

Lean protein is an important dietary component when it comes to weight loss as it helps you to feel full for longer.

Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are rich sources of vitamin D and immune-boosting mineral that helps the body produce over 200 antimicrobial peptides, which can fight off bacteria and viruses.

Spice up your meals with garlic, ginger, onion and turmeric! These super spices have antiviral and antibacterial properties as well as antioxidants to help protect your cells from damage.

3. Grains And Carbs

Whole grains such as brown rice, oats and quinoa are packed with dietary fibre which can help regulate blood sugars for longer periods of time, keeping insulin levels low.

They also contain a compound called beta-glucan that boosts immunity by activating white blood cells to fight infection .

4. Fruit

Citrus fruits such as grapefruit and oranges are low in calories yet high in antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene.

Just one half of orange provides 100% of your daily intake of vitamin C. The fruit also contains a compound called hesperidin which has been proven to strengthen the immune system and fight infections.

Fruits that are dark, purple or red all contain anthocyanins, a flavonoid that increases our bodies' antioxidant potential to help us fight disease.

This includes blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries.

how to boost the immune system with

Final thoughts on how to boost the immune system with food

There are many ways to keep your immune system strong, but what's most important is that you focus on eating foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients.

This can also help with weight management as well! In this article, we've covered the best fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains for a healthy diet.

If these principles sound overwhelming at first, don't worry, just focus on adding each to your meals slowly over time and you will notice a health difference!

What type of immunity-boosting ingredients do you eat? Comment Below. I will love to know!

More Resources

Boosting the Immune System, From Science to Myth

Nutrition and Immunity

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5 worst foods to eat

5 Worst Foods to Eat When Super Stressed

Knowing the 5 worst foods to eat will help you better understand how your body is asking you to react to stress. How many times have you found yourself fighting the urge to grab something unhealthy or sweet?

Not only are foods like this often filled with empty calories, which won't help break down the high levels of stress in your body, it has also been proven that they don't relieve stress at all.

The good news is that by making just a few simple changes in what you eat each day, you can not only avoid cravings for junk food but actually manage your stress levels as well!

In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the worst foods to eat when stressed, as well as better alternatives you can easily swap them for. Let’s get started!

The 5 worst foods to eat when stressed

5 worst foods to eat

Stress is a normal part of life. In fact, it’s the body’s natural response to any demand or challenge. But stress can also be our worst enemy when we are trying to lose weight and maintain healthy habits.

That's because there's a clear link between being under chronic stress and overeating, which in turn leads to weight gain.

And with obesity rates soaring every year, this is one health problem that needs more attention than ever before.

1) Sugary foods

Sugary foods are usually processed and lacking in nutrients. Sugars provide a quick burst of energy but then leave you feeling exhausted and without any real fuel.

When stressed, the last thing you need is to feel like your energy levels have dropped even further than they already were.

Your blood sugar levels need to stay stable. That is why eating foods that are low in refined sugars and high in complex carbohydrates like whole grains or beans will help calm the body and mind during a stressful day.

2) Caffeine and energy drinks

It would be great to have a magic pill or potion that could give you all the energy you need but this simply doesn't exist.

Consuming too much caffeine is not only bad for your sleep pattern, but it also excites the nervous system which can knock you out of balance as well as make you feel more tired and stressed.

The caffeine in coffee, soda or energy drinks will make you crave sugar as well which is why it's important to avoid these beverages if you are planning on sticking with a balanced diet.

These drinks also leave an unpleasant aftertaste and can make the desire for sweets even stronger.

Instead of relying on artificial means to give you the energy boost you need, try fruits and vegetables that are naturally packed with high levels of vitamins and minerals instead.

3) Foods high in salt, such as chips and french fries

It's common for people to reach for salty snacks when they are stressed or tired. The thing is, eating foods that are high in salt can cause your body to retain water and create puffiness.

Eating too many salty things can also increase blood pressure which can result in a headache or make you feel lethargic. Once the stress has gone, so will the puffiness and raised blood pressure levels.

You can avoid this by drinking plenty of water and eating more fruits and vegetables that will re-hydrate your body naturally.

4) Foods high in saturated fat

Fatty foods like burgers, pizza, fried chicken and cheese may seem like a good idea at the time but in reality, they will leave you feeling even more sluggish and tired.

Breaking down saturated fats take a lot of energy so instead of relying on them when under stress, try to eat lean proteins like fish or chicken.

These will provide your body with essential vitamin B12 which is needed for the production of red blood cells that can help remove toxins from the body.

5) Alcohol

The last on this list of 5 worst foods to eat is Alcohol. It is often seen as a way to relieve stress but this can cause more harm than help.

Consuming too many alcoholic drinks has been linked to many problems including memory loss and liver damage.

Not only that, it will leave you feeling even more stressed out the next day which is why it's important to stick with foods that are relatively low in alcohol, such as vegetable juices or low-calorie beers.

Why do we opt for 'unhealthy' food when stressed?

5 worst foods to eat

It's interesting how stressed is dessert spelt backwards. There is something about sugar that can be very addictive.

Stress and desert are linked for a lot of women who feel sugar fix is a sweet escape from pressure and overwhelm. 

It's no coincidence that some of the worst foods to eat when stressed are high in sugars and simple carbohydrates.

They provide an instant energy burst which means you won't have to concentrate on anything else until the sugar rush wears off leaving you feeling exhausted. 

Below are six reasons why we opt for 'unhealthy' food when stressed.

Limited time and money.

When stressed the two things that can drain you is time and money. For example, because of deadlines, you probably didn't care to eat until it's almost late in the day and then you're so exhausted to go shopping for what to cook.

Enter - fast food or frozen foods! (they fill the need at a moment like this however continuing in this circle sure has its consequences on your wellbeing and wallet)

Limited cash also makes people's go for cheaper food, which are mostly empty calories, high in sugar, salt and fat, compared to expensive fruits and vegetables.

Being unmindful

Unmindfulness happens when your brain encourages fight or flight mode to keep going without taking a break.

When you are in this mode, all you are focused on is your task that needs to be completed or the bills to be paid.

While this is going on, Stress eating sneaks in and you could be reaching for cookies, almost 3-4 times. 

The issue with multitasking this way is it can affect the signal your brain gets about being Full and you just continue to stuff the food down unconsciously.

Sleep deprivation

Report by "Stress in America" says 42% of Americans. Stay awake at night because of stress.

The stress of achieving our goals, financial instabilities, work, relationships, or health can keep us from sleeping well at night. 

One of the major causes of insomnia is worrying, going for a cup of coffee or caffeinated drinks to stay awake and enjoying nightcaps.

Sleep deprivation affects the function of the Ghrelin and leptin chemicals which control appetite. It also impairs our ability to resist the temptation for a sugar fix.


When stressed, your flight or fight response is activated, and it makes the body release chemicals, including cortisol and adrenaline.

These chemicals get you ready to fight or run away from danger. While in fight or flight Your adrenalin helps you feel less hungry as blood flows away from your internal organs to your large muscles.

Once the adrenaline wears off your cortisol (stress hormone) is just right around to signal your body for food supply.

This makes you crave quick fixes, but these kinds of food are typically high in sugar, salt and fat.

Decreased metabolism.

Stress can be visible physically, but there's another internal way it affects the body process, like metabolism. 

Metabolism is a process related to your body's ability to process energy from fat, sugar and protein, and how it stores energy. Stress decreases your body's metabolism, making it possible for more glucose to be around for energy to fight or flee.

This is one reason it is possible to put on weight, even when you don't eat more than you do. 

Chemicals causing inflammation can be released when you've got excess belly fat, and this affects general well being (emotional and physical).

You might also like:

9 Ways To Control Stress Eating Comfortably

35 Best High Fiber Foods for Digestion – Recipes Included

How to Stop Binge Eating: A Guide for Compulsive Overeaters

Foods that Lower Cortisol Levels: 54 Tasty Options You Will Enjoy

How to stop stress from affecting your diet

5 worst foods to eat

1. Eat mindfully. Eating mindfully means you don't multitask while eating. This allows you to be in the moment and enjoy what you're eating.

Slowing down to eat is a form of meditative practice, and can help you calm your mind down, especially when stressed. Another benefit to this is that your body can signal when it's full, so you don't overeat.

2. Know your trigger by Identifying times of stress and plan Where possible. Avoid a food environment that's high in sugar, fat and salt.

For example, fast foods or junk foods. This will help you fight the urge of coming back to those quick fixes when stressed out. Find another way to manage stress. 

If you are already a healthy eater but find yourself hitting the drive-thru every time you're under pressure, your body is craving a different way to cope with stress.  

Pilates, meditation and walking outside are all great ways to relax your mind and release endorphins (happy chemicals).

3. Plan your meals and have a healthy snack handy for those moments when stress feeling kicks in. Avoid sugary alternatives.

Consider other foods that are rich in complex carbs, protein and healthy fats.

B is for bananas, non-fat yoghurt with nuts or almonds, whole-grain crackers with peanut butter, a lean turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread with lettuce tomato and mayonnaise. 

4. Try to avoid eating within two hours of the time you usually go to bed. This is because it's most likely that the food you eat will be stored as fat rather than used as energy so try not to let this happen.

If you are stressed and hungry at night, make sure that you have an evening snack of fruits or vegetables.

5. Try to identify the source of stress and try not to react with a negative attitude. Acknowledge the stressful event then look for a solution to help you get through it.

6. Be aware of your feelings when stressed. Are you really that hungry? Did you have a bad day at work or trouble with the kids? Realise that stress can be managed and not allowed to control your eating habits.

5 Tips for eating healthier when stressed 

5 worst foods to eat

1) Eat breakfast because this helps to fuel your body with the energy needed to get through the morning without reaching for unhealthy snacks. Make sure that it contains a lot of fiber and protein.

2) Eat small meals throughout the day, every two hours or three to four a day depending on when you can fit them in. This will help to prevent cravings because your body is being given nutritious food it needs for energy.

3) Drink plenty of water during the day- this aids digestion and reduces puffiness.

4) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables- they are good sources of vitamins and minerals that can help to improve your mood.

5) Eat a sensible dinner that is not too large. This is because the body will not have much time to digest it before you go to bed.

Try eating a dinner that is high in fiber and proteins because this will provide your body with the energy it needs as well as help it feel full so that you don't reach for unhealthy snacks when stressed out.

5 worst foods to eat

Final Thoughts on 5 Worst Foods To Eat When Stressed

There are many ways to manage your stress levels, and not all of them involve popping a pill. One way is by making simple changes in what you eat and drink every day.

The five tips we’ve shared will help reduce the likelihood that when you're stressed out, you'll reach for unhealthy snacks such as burgers or pizza.

If these seem too daunting at first, start with one tip per week until it becomes second nature to avoid stress eating altogether.

We can't completely avoid stress, but we can manage it very well by being deliberate about things we put in our body for our nourishment. 

I hope you got something out of this 5 worst foods to eat article, please feel free to share. I'd love to know your opinions and your thoughts in the comment section below. 

More resources

Stress and Eating Behaviours

Why stress causes people to overeat

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how to motivate yourself to exercise

How to Motivate Yourself To Workout Everyday Even With Super Busy Schedules

How to motivate yourself to workout when busy is not only a question for people who work full time but for anyone, as we all have our busy times. Depending on your circumstances it might be school or taking care of an elderly parent.

Exercise is an essential part of life. It's easy to find excuses not to work out and stay inside all day, but we all know that staying active is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Motivation is the key ingredient that will get you on your feet and moving around-it's what gets you to your workouts for the most part! In this article, we will offer motivational strategies to help you stay focused and get the most out of your workouts.

What is motivation and how does it work?

how to motivate yourself to exercise

Motivation is a drive that helps you complete goals. It is what drives you to keep working out and focus on bettering yourself.

It's a feeling based on two things: Emotion & Cognition. Emotion refers to the feeling you get, such as happiness or sadness; cognition refers to how you think, like using reason or logic.

It is a force that is used to achieve a goal, and motivation helps you keep your eyes on the prize.

For instance, if you were to set a goal of going for a walk at the park on Saturday evening, motivation would lead you there! You may be tired or feel like resting but your motivation will give you that extra push to get out and exercise.

What To Do?

Goal setting is a great way to start motivating yourself! Firstly, think about WHY you want the goal in the first place. Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to feel better? Do you want to look and feel better physically or mentally?

Once you've thought about why you want to achieve this goal and how it makes you feel, figure out HOW to make it happen!

Decide WHEN you want to start. Think of a GOAL that is achievable yet challenging enough for you. To motivate yourself, set out a schedule for yourself-it could be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or it could be a few times throughout the week.

This is something very important to hold yourself accountable for. It will also help you keep track of your progress.

Keep MOTIVATION at the forefront of your mind! If you have visuals such as photos or pictures, make sure to keep looking at them and posting them around your room.

After several weeks or months, look back on your schedule to see how well you kept with your exercise routine!

We'll break this down in a bit but for now, let's address...

Some common reasons people find it hard to motivate themselves

how to motivate yourself to exercise

They believe they don't have time to exercise.

You may be so busy that you feel as if there's just not enough hours in the day. It's hard when you're on a tight schedule, but it is very important to make time for yourself and your health-even an hour of exercise a day will benefit you in the long run.

If you're short on time, find exercises that do not take up a lot of your schedule. You can exercise in the comfort of your own home if you have enough room and a little bit of creativity-a great workout is to just dance around like crazy!

There are many other types of workouts as well, and the only limit is your imagination.

They don't feel comfortable in a group.

It's important to make exercise fun, and working out with a friend or family member can be very beneficial.

If you enjoy the company of others while exercising, why not try joining a class? A lot of people are afraid to go to classes because they think they will be judged for being a beginner.

Try not to let that stop you, because they will likely be just like a you-a beginner.  

They don't see the results they're looking for.  

If you go to the gym or exercise and feel like you haven't seen any progress, it's easy to get discouraged and give up altogether!

It's important to remember that exercising is something you will build up to overtime. It doesn't happen overnight, so try not to get discouraged if you don't see results right away.

They get discouraged by the scale.  

A lot of people will go to the gym and work out and see no progress in weight loss.

This is because muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are building muscle at the same time as burning fat, your scale can say that you're not losing anything while in reality, you are improving!

It may be a good idea to invest in a body composition scale, which will tell you what your weight is made up of.

Deeper Dives:

how to motivate yourself to exercise

Try these methods of exercising motivation:

1. Set goals for yourself and stick to them.

Without a goal, you'll just be exercising aimlessly without any purpose or direction-which is a waste of time and energy.

Think of short term goals like working out 4 times this week instead of the 3 long term goals which may be too challenging at first.

Write down two or three things you want to accomplish before the end of the year, such as running in a 5k race, joining an exercise class and so on. Before you know it you'll be looking back on your progress and feeling great about it.

2. Become a part of something bigger.  

Joining a group or class will allow you to work out with others who are also trying to stay active-it can be very inspiring.

You may not feel like exercising one day, but if you play sports or do an exercise class, you will build up a tolerance to exercise and it won't seem as difficult.

You may end up liking the challenge of working out with others.

3. Become your own inspiration.  

If you love yourself, it's easy to want to take care of yourself. Motivate yourself by setting goals and writing down what they are-stick them up in a place where you'll see them often so you'll be reminded every day why you're doing the right thing.

4. Join an online fitness community.  

There are many online communities dedicated to health and fitness.

If you don't have friends that exercise with you, it's a great way to find people in your area who can encourage you and keep you motivated!

You can also join forums and get advice from other fit people, or offer them advice on how they can improve their own workout.

5. Plan your workouts for the same time each day.

Having a set time to work out will help you keep motivated because you will have something to look forward to at that time every day.

Don't work out right after work, plan an activity during which you won't be thinking about how tired you are.

6. Find something that motivates you to work out.

Try to find a song you love or a workout partner that motivates you to show up and work out. Having something motivating will make it easier for you to push yourself when you're tired.

7. Find reasons to exercise other than losing weight or looking good.

Weight loss isn't the only reason people should exercise, there are many less selfish things you can do for yourself like staying healthy, saving money on a gym membership or getting a good night's sleep.

8. Think of all the benefits working out has to offer other than weight loss and tone muscles.

These reasons will help keep you motivated when your workout routine gets boring or too easy.

9. Have someone who will check in on you and hold you accountable.

Having a workout buddy or coach is one of the best ways to stay motivated.

You'll feel bad not going when they'll call or text to see how your workouts are going, chances are if you miss one, they'll know about it.

10. Reward yourself for sticking to your workout routine.

This is a great way to motivate yourself when you're feeling like giving up.

For example, treat yourself by buying some new sneakers or taking an extra-long weekend on your days off from the gym.

What to do when all else fails?

how to motivate yourself to exercise

If you can't find anything to motivate you, it's time to take a step back. Think about what will make you happy-maybe it's spending time with family or watching your favourite show?

Find the things that make you happy and do them when you don't feel like working out.

If you continue to have problems working out, consider talking to a professional or making an appointment with a psychologist to get some advice on how to make these habits stick.

how to motivate yourself to exercise

To Wrap up on how to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Many people find themselves too busy to work out or exercise. The key is to be proactive and create a plan you can stick with. Some things that might help you stay motivated include:

• Setting realistic fitness goals (you don't need to start by running marathons)

• Sticking to your schedule as much as possible

• Making time for small exercises throughout the day, such as going upstairs instead of taking an escalator or parking further away from stores so it'll take more steps to get inside them

• Creating healthy habits in other areas of life like eating better food or drinking less alcohol

• Choosing times when you're most likely to stick with your exercise plans, like while on vacation

• Eliminating distractions that might keep you from getting going, like keeping the TV or computer off during your workout Make sure to choose a fitness plan that motivates you. For example, if jogging isn't enjoyable for you but pilates is more appealing, choose pilates. If your ideal routine involves being outside in the sun, plan it for the morning or early evening when the light is better.

When starting a fitness program, don't try to do too much at once. Begin by choosing one exercise and sticking with it until you're comfortable doing it on your own.

Then add another activity slowly, giving yourself a chance to master it as well. I hope this was helpful and that you can now come up with a routine that will meet your needs.

Drop your comments and questions below if you have any. I'll love to chat with you.

Fitness Gears for Your Workouts

More Resources

Theories to Explain Exercise Motivation and Physical Inactivity

Exercise, physical activity, and self-determination theory

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clean eating diet

How To Start A Clean Eating Diet

How to start a clean eating diet is a consideration of many people. What can be consumed and then what is prohibited in this diet?

It’s not always easy to stay on track with a healthy diet. The road can be bumpy at times and even though you may have successfully eaten well for an extended period, the temptations of unhealthy foods are often too much to resist.

But if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then it is important that you do your best to resist those urges and continue eating clean.

What does this mean? Clean eating means not only avoiding processed foods but also limiting or eliminating other types of food like sugar, refined flour, and even dairy.

 Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is encouraged as they provide necessary nutrients without any extra calories from fat or sugar. In this article, there are some tips on how to start a clean eating diet.

What is clean eating and why is it important

clean eating diet

There are many different definitions for "clean eating". The most popular one is the version that has been developed by nutritionists who promote living a healthy lifestyle without processed food or additives of any kind.

They suggest eliminating as much sugar from your diet as possible, reducing your intake of processed meats, and minimising your consumption of alcohol.

This way of eating consists mostly of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (preferably sprouted), legumes, nuts and seeds.

Here are 3 reasons to start a clean eating diet

clean eating diet

1) Clean Eating = Feeling stronger and more energetic

Did you know that having just ONE doughnut will make you tired throughout the day?! It's because you are probably eating too many simple carbs.  Your body can't break down these carbs into energy right away, so instead the sugar in the food is stored as fat!

2) Clean Eating = Healthy weight loss

How much fruit have you eaten this week? If it's less than one serving of fruit a day, then that's not enough. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and they lose weight!

3) Clean Eating = Healthy skin.

Your diet directly affects your skin health, look at pictures from the 1940s (when people had little access to processed food). Our bodies are much healthier when we eat clean. 

4)  Clean Eating = Feeling less hungry

Want proof? Head to the nearest supermarket and look around. The aisles of crisps, chocolates, biscuits etc are much wider than the fruit and veg section.

Why do we need so many unhealthy snacks and treats if they only make us feel more hungry? Our bodies are craving something natural and our minds crave something sweet, that's the reason why gummy sweets and sugary treats have become so popular.

12 ways to start a clean eating diet

clean eating diet

1. Set up your kitchen and pantry for success.

The first step is to eliminate anything that isn't part of a clean eating diet from your house. If it comes in a package or box, chances are it's not worth your time.

Once you do this, you'll find it easier to eat clean and be prepared for each meal.

2. Plan your meals ahead of time.

Take the extra time to plan out your meals in advance so you won't have any excuses when hunger hits. Plan for a day's worth of meals or make one big shopping list for the entire week. You can even meal prep and cook your food on Sunday.

This way, all you have to do each night is heat up something in the microwave or pop some items in the oven to serve healthy meals on a busy weeknight.

3. Check out online resources for inspiration.

If you're starting to get bored of the same recipes over and over, check out some of the best clean eating websites.

Each site offers different recipes and meal plans that could be just what you need to get you excited about your next meal.

4. Don't skip breakfast.

It is the most important meal of the day because it kick starts your metabolism for the whole day. A lot of people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight, but that is not true.

Skipping breakfast will only make you more hungry throughout the day and this leads to binging and eating unhealthy food.  

When you feel hungry in between meals try eating a small snack like an apple or some granola instead of going for a big meal which can be hard on your stomach.

5. Don't eat out too often.

Eating out is fun and convenient, but it can be hard to maintain a healthy diet if you are eating out every day.

It's not easy to control the amount of oil or salt that goes into your food at most restaurants, so cooking your own meals gives you more control over how much sodium or fats you are eating.

6. Cook Your Food

Try to cook food yourself as much as you can because it not only tastes better but also is healthier. When cooking at home start adding more herbs and spices to your dish.

A pinch of cinnamon or a dash of freshly ground black pepper can really make a difference in the taste of your food.

7. Get rid of your unhealthy cooking oil

Get rid of your unhealthy cooking oil and replace it with a healthier one like olive or canola oil.  

Cooking in nonstick pans using these oils will bring out the flavour in food much better than using regular vegetable oils.

8. Drink a lot of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Your body needs at least 8 glasses of water a day to perform all its functions efficiently. If you find it hard to drink that much water at once, try adding natural flavours to it. 

Lemon and cucumber work very nicely or you can also try adding a slice of apple in it.

9. Exercise regularly.

Working out not only burns fat but also helps you stay more energized throughout the day. If you have a hard time finding the motivation to go to the gym or for a run, try exercising at home instead of going to a studio.  

A lot of people think that working out in front of other people is embarrassing, but it's actually more motivating because you don't want them to see how slow or tired you are.

10. Check the nutrition facts label.

Every packaged product has a nutrition facts label to help you make informed decision on what you eat.

It's important to check these labels before buying something because it shows how much fat is in the product and also the serving size so that you don't overload your plate or bowl with too much food at once.  

Glancing over the label also helps you choose the healthier option between two packaged products that seem similar.

11. Reward yourself.

When you've achieved a small goal like eating healthier for a week or so, treat yourself with something small.

A little reward can go a long way towards keeping your motivation up and getting through the tough times.

12. Don't give up.

If you have a slip-up and eat something unhealthy, don't feel discouraged. Everyone has a bad day so don't beat yourself up over it. Just get back on track and be determined to stick with the diet.

Deeper Dive:

Delicious foods that promote a healthy digestive system

Turmeric Milk Benefits – 13 Interesting Benefits Your Body Will Love

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List: 13 Delicious Foods That Helps Fight Inflammation

The benefits of a clean diet

clean eating diet

You'll get a cleaner gut and healthier skin.

When you eat lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables on a regular basis your body becomes more efficient at processing the food you eat.

Your gut lining gets stronger and healthier, which means your body can better digest food and extract more nutrition from it.

Your skin will become cleaner because the nutrients in fruits and vegetables work to cleanse your blood. This leaves you with smoother skin that isn't as prone to blemishes or breakouts.

You'll have more energy and feel great.

Eating a clean diet helps you feel better in ways that go beyond the way your skin looks.

By eliminating processed foods and focusing on whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean protein sources, you'll have more energy to take on the day. 

The fiber in fresh produce will make you feel full longer so you won't be as tempted by hunger cravings.

You'll lose weight and keep it off.

Eating a clean diet is an effective way to shed unwanted pounds for good since it helps you avoid craving foods that can derail your weight loss goals.

When you eliminate processed foods, which are often high in fat and calories, from your diet, all you have left is healthy food.

If you choose to eat something that isn't as healthy, you'll realize it's just not worth the few hundred calories you'll consume in one meal.

You can save money and eat out more often.

In most cases, eating clean doesn't mean spending a lot of extra money on pricey ingredients. In fact, you'll probably save money on groceries since you won't be buying processed foods.

Eating out at restaurants can also become more cost-effective since you'll no longer be ordering items that are high in calories and fat.

Instead, try ordering fresh grilled fish or a salad topped with lean chicken and vegetables. You'll feel good about what you ate, and as an added bonus, you'll save money.

Feel happier about your body, inside and out.

When you keep your body healthy and fuelled with fresh foods, you'll feel good about the way you look inside and out.

It doesn't have to be a major overhaul; simply adding more fruits and veggies into your diet can make a big difference in how you feel.

If for some reason you experience any negative side effects from making this change, such as bloating or constipation, talk to your doctor.

Be proud of what you're doing for yourself!

Eating a clean diet is one of the best choices you can make for yourself. Maintaining a clean eating diet is a reflection of your commitment to good health, and you should be proud of that!

There are lots of great reasons to start a clean eating diet. Many people who make the switch report feeling better overall and losing weight more easily. If you're ready to try this new

Deeper Dives:

clean eating diet

Final Thoughts on how to start a clean eating diet

Healthy eating habits are easy to start but hard to keep. The key is making small changes from what you're currently used to, such as avoiding high-fat processed foods and fast-food restaurants.

Once those changes become routine, making other positive choices like increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables can be easy. The real key to sticking to a clean diet is making it work for you.

Don't try to change everything at once or follow an unrealistic plan, such as eating only products that are organic.

Instead, challenge yourself with small changes like avoiding foods that come in boxes or cans while you make room in your diet for fresh fruits and veggies. 

Before you know it, eating clean will become second nature and you'll feel better because of it! If you found this helpful, feel free to share the article with your friends.

Also, you can comment below as well, I would love to hear what you think!

More Resources

A Cross Sectional Analysis of Dietary Intake, Restrained Eating and Opinions about Clean Eating among Women

Clean eating: The good and the bad

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how to read a nutrition facts label

How To Read A Nutrition Facts Label Like A Pro

Knowing how to read a nutrition facts label is one of the most important steps toward managing your weight. You need to know what you are putting into your body.

Right now, the grocery store industry is in a state of flux with all of the new labelling laws. It can be confusing and difficult because there are so many different labels on food products these days.

If you want to make sure that your diet has enough nutrients then it is important to read this label before buying anything!

What are nutrition facts labels?

The nutrition facts label on packaged food tells you how much fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates and protein are in each serving size as well as the number of calories.

These can vary depending on whether or not cooking instructions have been included.

Nutrition Facts labels are standardised, meaning they include the same set of information no matter where you get a given product.

They're the small boxes packed with details about what's inside each food. The Nutrition Facts label is on virtually everything you eat except fresh produce.

You've probably noticed labels on food products that look like little tables of numbers. These are called nutrition facts labels, and they're designed to help you understand what is in the product you are looking at before you buy it.

It's important to read the label because how many calories or grams of fat a certain package contains can make a big difference in your diet.

How to read a nutrition facts label

how to read a nutrition facts label

1) Look at the serving size.

2) Take a look at the calories and fat grams listed for that serving size. If you know you're going to eat the whole thing, just multiply those numbers by four. (If not, don't be misled into thinking that the calories and fat are lower for a smaller portion size).

3) Check out the amounts of saturated, trans fats, cholesterol and sodium. These numbers should be as low as possible.

4) Look at the carbohydrate content (the second half of the nutrition label provides this info), which includes sugar, starch, and dietary fiber.

5) Pay particular attention to serving size, calories, fat grams and carbs. Let this be your guide for deciding if a product is right for you. And don't forget the old standard: Everything in moderation!

Here's an example of how you might see Nutrition Facts listed on a product:

Calories: 260, Total Fat: 6g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Trans Fat: 0g, Cholesterol: 0mg, Sodium: 200mg, Carbohydrates: 60g, Dietary Fiber: 4g, Sugar: 47g (Includes 40% Added Sugars), Protein: 5g

In this example, we know that in one serving of this product there are 260 calories, 6g of fat, 1g of saturated fat, 0g of trans fat, 20mg of cholesterol, 200mg of sodium and 60g of carbohydrates. We also see that there are 47g of sugar in this product (which is 40% of the total carbs).

Now let's break down the nutrition facts label, which lists out everything that is in a product.

how to read a nutrition facts label

1. Serving Size

The first item on the nutrition facts label is the serving size you should eat. For example, if the serving size says 1 cup of pasta, you can't eat three cups! Also, all of the food in one package equals one serving; for example, a 2-cup measuring cup full of dried spaghetti noodles equals two servings.

2. Calories

Next are calories, which are derived from the amount of energy in a food. One gram of fat equals nine calories, one gram of carbohydrates and protein equals four calories, and one gram of alcohol equals seven calories.

Calories are a measure of how much energy is in each serving. Make sure you know what counts as one serving and what doesn't.

3. Fat

The next item on the label is fat, which contains nine calories per gram. You'll want to keep an eye on this one because too much fat can lead to weight gain and heart disease. Avoid trans fats (see below) by only consuming products that say 0g of trans fat and how much total fat they contain per serving.

Too much fat can lead to weight gain, heart disease and other health problems. Make sure you're only eating healthy fats! The three types of fat are saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated; each one has a different effect on your body. Trans fats are the worst kind of fat for your body and should be avoided.

4. Carbohydrates

The next thing on the nutrition label is carbohydrates, which contain four calories per gram; carbs provide energy to your body and brain. It also includes fiber, which isn't digestible so it doesn't count toward the total amount of carbs in a food.

Carbohydrates are basically sugars and starches that count toward the total amount of carbs in a food. You need some carbs but watch how many you're eating, because too many can raise your blood sugar as well as make it difficult for you to lose weight.

5. Protein

The next thing on the nutrition label is protein, which contains four calories per gram. Protein helps build and repair your muscles but too much can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

Eating lots of lean protein can help you lose weight because there are 4 calories in one gram. Also, protein helps build muscle so it's important for athletes to keep an eye on their level of protein intake.

6. Sodium (salt)

Next on the nutrition label is sodium or salt. This should be avoided in high amounts because it can lead to increased blood pressure. Always check out the ingredient list too; foods like pizza, cereals and bread are full of sodium and need to be avoided if you have high blood pressure or other problems that might arise from too much salt.

It may help to cut back on foods high in salt, like pizza and bread, so that your blood pressure stays healthy.

how to read a nutrition facts label

7. Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the next item on the nutrition facts label, which contains no calories and is found only in animal products. This should be avoided because there is some evidence to suggest that cholesterol can cause heart disease.

Studies show that eating foods high in cholesterol can increase your risk of developing heart disease.

8. Dietary fiber

The next thing on the label is dietary fiber, which contains no calories and helps you feel full. This is important for people who are trying to lose weight because it can curb hunger pangs. Always check out the ingredient list too; foods like things made with white flour don't have a lot of fiber in them.

Fiber helps you feel full so that you can avoid overeating. You also need fiber for a healthy digestive system and to help lower cholesterol. 

9. Sugars

Next are the sugars, which provide four calories per gram. Sugar is bad for your teeth and can lead to weight gain, so it's important to only eat the amount of sugar that you need each day.

It's best to keep sugars within a healthy range. That means avoiding simple sugars like soda, which provide lots of calories but not much else. 

10. Vitamins & Minerals

The last items on the nutrition facts label are vitamins and minerals. These contain zero calories, but they're important for your body to function properly. Be sure you're getting enough of these!

Some vitamins and minerals include iron, calcium and zinc. You need a healthy amount of them, but overdoing it can be harmful so always check with your doctor before taking vitamins and minerals supplements.

Nutrients to avoid on food labels

how to read a nutrition facts label

The number and type of nutrients listed let you know how much energy you are consuming and how are the ingredients of this food product are going to affect or nourish your body.

While reading the label, check for things like saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium; these are things you need to completely avoid if you intend to maintain your health or lose weight.

These four nutrients are notorious for contributing to heart disease and various types of cancers.

Nutrients to looks out for on food labels

On the flip side, look for foods that have high amounts of fiber, calcium, iron, proteins, zinc and a variety of vitamins.

These nutrients will nourish your body and get you through your day without draining you of energy.

The importance of reading labels before you buy something 

how to read a nutrition facts label

It's always important to know what you are eating. You may be surprised at how easy it is to end up consuming too much of any one kind of nutrient, which isn't healthy in the long run.   The nutrition facts label is a great way to check fat, protein and carbohydrate amounts in an easy-to-read format.

1. Helps you know the Percent Daily Value on food labels or % DV

This percentage gives you an idea of the number of nutrients that are available in a single serving. If you intend to avoid or limit a certain nutrient like cholesterol, sodium, trans fat or saturated fat, select food products that show less than 5% Daily Value.

Similarly, if you want to start increasing the protein in your diet, look for food products that contain 20% or more of your daily value.

2. Reading food labels can help you make healthier choices

The fat that shows up on the label is the total for all types of fat, including saturated and trans fat (which are actually considered more harmful than unsaturated). Most foods have some saturated or trans fat simply because they come from animals or plants, but these should be less than 10% of your total fat intake and as low as possible if you're watching your weight or trying to avoid heart disease.

3. Reading the Nutrition Facts label can help you manage diabetes

In general, it's not a good idea to eat many foods that are high in sugar because they can cause spikes and dips in blood sugar levels, which in some cases can lead to diabetes. For that reason, foods that are high in added sugar usually have a teaspoon of granulated white or brown sugar near the box's label.

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Top 7 Tips for Reading Nutrition Facts Listed on Packages

how to read a nutrition facts label
  1. Don't be intimidated! Even if you're not a nutritional science expert, reading nutrition labels can be easy
  2. Compare calories among the same type of food, choose wisely if you're trying to watch your weight or manage diabetes or other health conditions.
  3. Know fat and cholesterol content, If you are watching your fat intake, make sure not to eat too much fat! Remember, eating too much fat or cholesterol can increase the risk of disease!
  4. Be aware of sodium, You definitely don't want to eat too much salt which can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems in the future
  5. Look for whole grains, If you have more health concerns like diabetes or heart disease, it's a good idea to emphasize whole grains in your diet
  6. Pay attention to nutrients, Some of the nutrients listed on labels are more important than others and you'll want to make sure you eat a variety of foods that offer key vitamins and minerals for good health!
  7. Be careful with serving size - The next thing you'll want to pay attention to is serving size. You should never rely on what someone else is saying because a serving size will be different for everyone. If it's something like cereal or canned soup, you can read the label to see how much is one serving, but when it comes to foods that are meant to be eaten in small pieces like candy, chips or nuts... they're often smaller than you expect!
  8. Don't stop with just the front of the label. Make sure to check out all parts of the box or container. Sometimes where you least expect it can have a lot of useful information. For instance, ingredients labels are especially helpful when searching for foods that contain meat. Don't forget to look at expiration dates so you don't buy something past its prime.
  9. Finally, Remember, you will need to add extra time to your shopping especially when you have a lot of groceries to do. As you go about reading through the food nutrition labels for products you use regularly you won’t have to repeat the process next time, except of course you are buying something new or different from your staple.

how to read a nutrition facts label

Final Thoughts on How to read a nutrition facts label

You can never be too careful when it comes to what you put in your body. The nutrition facts label on a food's package is one of the most important parts because it gives you all the information that you need about how healthy or unhealthy an item may be for you.

It includes data like calories, fat content and even sugars-all things that are essential to know before making a purchase!

Take some time today to peruse this guide we've created so that next time your grocery shopping trip doesn't leave you with more questions than answers. 

I hope this How To Read A Nutrition Facts Label article has been helpful and informative. Feel free to drop any comments, thoughts and experiences on the topic below. I'll love to chat in the comments section. 

More Resources

What kind of impact does food labelling have on consumption?

The Effects of Nutrition Knowledge on Food Label Use

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healthy weight loss foods

19 Healthy Weight Loss Foods For Busy Entrepreneurs

Healthy weight loss foods are those that you should include in your diet if you want to lose weight fast and healthy. Usually, healthy weight loss foods do not restrict you from any food group, but they do encourage healthy eating habits.

So you’ve tried to change your eating habits and you still can't lose weight. You have a good attitude, but the food just doesn't taste right. Or maybe you've been trying to eat healthily, but it's just too expensive or too time-consuming for your lifestyle? 

Whatever the reason may be, this article will help guide you on how to find healthy weight loss foods that are affordable and easy!

There are so many options of what types of food can be considered as "healthy", so in this article, I'm going to show you some different options of nutritious food that won't leave a hole in your wallet or take up all of your time in the kitchen.

How can weight-loss foods help you?

healthy weight loss foods

Choosing the right foods can not only help you lose weight but can also make your diet much more enjoyable!

If you're on a restrictive diet plan or eating healthily makes you feel deprived of what you love to eat, then this is something to consider. 

Because it's all about moderation when choosing healthy weight loss foods, that's where the fun comes in. You get to pick and choose healthy foods that you enjoy eating!

19 Healthy weight loss foods...

healthy weight loss foods

Weight-loss food doesn't have to be complicated! There are several different types of healthy weight loss foods, but this is one of the most popular ways to lose weight.

Eating healthy and nutritious food, but still being able to enjoy what you're eating! 

The key is moderation: choosing foods that are good for you, but still enjoyable to eat. If your goal is to lose weight healthily and keep it off, then this is the way to go!

1. Greek yoghurt

This is one of my personal favourites! You can make it as a meal or a snack. Add fresh fruits, granola, and honey for an amazing dessert when you're craving something sweet. A great advantage of Greek yoghurt is that it has fewer calories and is higher in protein than any other type of yoghurt out there.

2. Celery

It contains fewer calories and helps you burn more than you eat. Celery is mainly made up of water, which is why it is good as part of a balanced diet.

However, it is not recommended that you make a diet based only on celery, because your body will not get the necessary minerals and nutrients. So the best decision is to combine it with other foods. This is the perfect snack! It's very low in calories and high in water content. You can consume it raw (just be sure to wash the leaves well), you can steam it, or add a little salt and pepper for a tasty flavour.

3. Salmon

Salmon is a perfect source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your health. In addition to promoting heart and cardiovascular health, these fatty acids also help you lose weight by reducing the fat accumulated in your body.

According to the National Institutes of Health, salmon ranks among the fish with the highest levels of omega 3s (the other highest being mackerel and albacore tuna).

4. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is an excellent source of Fibre. It's also high in magnesium, potassium and vitamin C which are all important for maintaining your health and regulating your metabolism.

5. Watermelon

Watermelons provide the only natural form of the enzyme citrulline, which helps improve blood circulation throughout our body and thus has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. It also contains an amino acid called arginine that helps the body release growth hormone and IGF (insulin-like growth factor).

6. Spinach

This is a great vegetable to eat if you're trying to lose weight. It's very low in calories, but it still tastes really good! You can make a healthy smoothie out of spinach and fruit for breakfast, or get creative with your recipes at dinner. One serving of spinach has less than 20 calories but provides high levels of fibre, vitamin A, C and K, calcium and iron which is essential for the growth of new cells and tissues in our body.

7. Avocado

A great source of potassium, Vitamin B6 and fiber. It also contains plenty of healthy fats that can help you lose weight by reducing the fat accumulated in your body. Avocados have a creamy texture which is perfect for making smoothies or adding to salads.

8. Broccoli

Containing vitamins A, K, C and B6, broccoli is an excellent source of cancer-fighting nutrients. It also helps with digestion, promotes heart health and regulates blood pressure. Broccoli is very rich in fiber which can help you lose weight by absorbing water in the digestive tract and increasing your feeling of satiety.

9. Nuts

This is another one of my favourite snacks. I always keep a few bags in my car and at work to give me a quick boost when I get hungry, or for whenever I need some energy. They're also great for people who are trying to lose weight because they have healthy fats and fiber that help you feel full and satisfied.

Deeper Dives:

10. Oatmeal

This is a delicious, warm breakfast that gives you energy and keeps your body going all morning. It's honestly so good! Plus, it contains some fibre to keep your digestion going smoothly. Add some fruits for a nice treat too.

11. Quinoa

Now onto the meals. What's great about quinoa is that it's a complete protein. It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it very high in protein without any animal products! You can serve this with vegetables or fruit and you won't even notice the difference between rice or pasta.

12. Green tea

I love drinking this stuff. I drink some every morning when I wake up and before bed to help me sleep better. Just don't overdo it, or you'll end up dehydrated.

13. Apples

This is one of my favourite snacks to have around the house that I can eat whenever I feel like it! The great thing about apples is that they're refreshing and full of fiber. You don't need anything else to make them taste good either.

14. Grapefruit

This is another one of my favourite snacks. I love how sweet they taste and the fact that they're full of nutrients, but not a lot of calories! You could even add them to salads or garnish your meals with them for an added kick.

15. Almonds

This is a great snack to have around the house. You can keep them in your car or at work, and you'll always have some to eat whenever you get hungry! They're also good for your health because they contain vitamins and healthy fats that help you lose weight and maintain your body's natural balance.

16. Hummus

This is a delicious snack that's great for both serving as an appetizer and dipping. It's made from chickpeas, so it's extremely healthy and contains fiber to make you feel full. You can use it on sandwiches, with vegetables or crackers, or even by itself.

17. Egg whites

Not only do egg whites have half the calories and fat of regular eggs, but they also contain more high-quality protein! I love having protein for breakfast. When I don't have a lot of time to make something, I'll just quickly boil some egg whites and add them to my healthy oatmeal with some fruit. Egg whites are the healthy part of eggs that haven't been cooked, so they're very healthy. They also contain healthy fats that help burn fat. 

18. Lean ground turkey

This is a great meat to have around because it's high in protein and doesn't contain any of the harmful fats that other meats do. You can serve it with vegetables or on your pasta dishes for an added boost.

19. Lemons

I love adding this to my water in the morning and drinking it first thing! It's refreshing and extremely good for you because it regulates your body's pH levels. This means less damage done to your bones, teeth, muscles and soft tissues by acidic residues.

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Tips to help your healthy weight loss food work for you

healthy weight loss foods
  1. Try and keep your diet balanced. What this means is that you're trying to eat a variety of food groups every day. This will help ensure that you have the proper vitamins in your body without a lot of excess fat and calories.
  2. Another thing I recommend is to stay hydrated and to avoid skipping meals, even if you're not hungry. Many people think that they can lose weight by eating less which will actually slow down the process because your metabolism slows down when you skip meals. Even if it's just water, make sure you're drinking at least 64 oz per day.
  3. If you experience any cravings while trying to lose weight, try substituting your craving for something healthy such as an apple or nuts! There are also many healthy weight loss foods that will help you satisfy your craving without going overboard. Don't deprive yourself of any of the foods you love. Find a substitute for it that works with your diet instead! Mine is almond milk in place of regular milk on my cereal or oatmeal! I mean, what could be better than almonds?
  4. Don't skip meals or go too long without food because this will cause your metabolism to slow down which will make losing weight even harder.
  5. Budget your meals and don't over-spend on unhealthy food that will just end up being wasted. You might be surprised by how having a smaller quantity of more expensive healthy food will actually save you a lot of money, and keep your weight loss on track!

Final thoughts on healthy weight loss foods for weight loss

healthy weight loss foods

There are so many ways that you can incorporate healthy weight loss foods into your everyday diet. Finding the right balance between delicious food and nutritious food will help keep your body healthy while also making it easier to lose weight!

There are no one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing which healthy weight loss foods you should eat, so make sure you're choosing what works for your body and lifestyle!

I hope that you found these tips and a healthy weight loss foods list helpful! If you have any questions or want to share your favourite foods, feel free to leave a comment!

Please check out our other articles on diets and this one for more useful information about losing weight.

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Dietary intakes associated with successful weight loss

Defining the Optimal Dietary Approach for Safe, Effective and Sustainable Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults

Food and Diet

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