
Tea Tree Essential Oil Benefits For Stress Busting And Wellbeing

by Funmi // in Self Care

Tea tree essential oil benefits can be evident, especially when you're feeling stressed.

Female entrepreneurs are often in their own little worlds, working on their business and running the show. Stress is a huge problem for many female entrepreneurs.

It can be difficult to find the time and energy to manage your business and take care of yourself.

However tea tree essential oil is a great option because you can use it while still being productive!

There are tea tree essential oil benefits that will help you relieve stress, improve focus, and sleep better.

The tea tree plant is an evergreen native to Australia that indigenous peoples have used for centuries to treat various ailments, including skin infections, colds, respiratory problems, arthritis pain relief, headaches, and more!

Tea tree essential oil benefits to help reduce stress

The tea tree plant produces a strong-smelling oil rich in many beneficial compounds, including terpinen and cineol. Tea tree essential oils are extremely versatile and can be used both topically or aromatically for therapeutic purposes.

Tea tree essential oils have two main benefits:

  • relieving stress when applied topically or

When tea tree essential oils are applied topically or diluted for aromatherapy, they act on receptors in your nose to block out odours.

  • Inhaled as aromatherapy and relieving muscle pain.

When tea tree oil is inhaled, it affects the limbic system in your brain that controls moods and levels of hormones like serotonin which help regulate stress responses.

tea tree essential oil benefits

Ways you can use tea tree essential oil to enjoy the benefits

  1. Tea tress oil can also be used as an air freshener, which can help reduce anxiety instead of store-bought fresheners with chemicals. The stimulating properties of tea tree oil also help reduce fatigue and boost energy levels by stimulating the circulatory system.
  2. You can also use tea tree essential oil as a stress relief aromatherapy to create calm and balance for the mind, body, and soul. To do this, you would add tea tree essential oils to simmering water on your stovetop or overhead diffuser before bedtime or any time of day when you need relief from stress.
  3. Tea tree oil is also a natural antiseptic used topically for cuts, scrapes, and burns. Tea tree essential oils are made from leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant.
  4. Tea tree oils are also an effective treatment for stress-related skin conditions such as acne, eczema and seborrhea.

Other Benefits

Some tea tree essential oil benefits for stress are not just physical, but emotional as well. There is a feeling of calmness and relief that can come from using tea tree oils because the anxiety response is suppressed, which then promotes better sleep patterns.


Side Effects of Tea Tree Essential Oil

tea tree essential oil benefits
tea tree essential oil benefits

To use tea tree essential oils in your home or office, you can use tea tree oil to clean surfaces. Combine a couple of drops of tea tree with water and a few tablespoons of vinegar, and then rinse the surface after an hour.

Cleaning with tea tree oil is effective against bacteria like salmonella, listeria, e-coli, and mould and fungi.

Tea tree essential oil keeps your workspace smelling fresh, too! Add a few drops to cotton balls or salt lamps for an instant pick me up when you need it most.

Tea tree essential oils help relieve the physical symptoms of stress such as headaches, insomnia, muscular aches and pains with massage therapy.

Tea tree essential oils can help you cope with mental stress by reducing your anxiety levels and helping combat depression. Aromatherapy is a natural way to de-stress, so diffuse tea tree oil for peace of mind.

Tea tree essential oil benefits also include being used as part of a cold care package! Alongside decongestants, tea tree essential oils can help relieve sore throats and coughs.

Where to buy tea trees, plants, leaves, or seeds

tea tree essential oil benefits

You can buy tea tree plant seeds in many online retailers, such as:

If you buy tea tree plant seeds or plants, make sure to read the seller's description about how big it will grow and whether it is a cultivar that can be grown outdoors. You should also check the seller's website to make sure they have a guarantee in case the plant doesn't grow.

If you buy tea tree leaves or seeds, it is best to purchase them from one of these retailers:

  • Mountain Rose Herbs
  • Natural Living Company

Tea tree essential oil is available in many different concentrations and can be bought online or at a retailer near you.

The use of beneficial oils is popular amongst entrepreneurial women to help reduce stress levels and promote general wellness. Tea Tree Essential Oil has many properties that make it a great essential oil for female entrepreneurs.

Other ways to manage stress in your life

Other ways to manage stress in your life as an entrepreneur are to find a physical outlet, such as running or pilates. Take time for yourself and indulge in self-care activities like reading, meditating or painting.

You can read more on managing stress here

tea tree essential oil benefits

Final Thoughts on Tea tree Essential Oil Benefits

Tea tree essential oil is a great way to take care of yourself while still working. It can help relieve stress and anxiety. If you're feeling stressed, tea tree essential oil has a lot of benefits. It can be used while still being productive, and it's easy to use! I hope this article has been useful and interesting for you. Please drop your comments and questions below so we could chat about them.




About the author 


Funmi is a Certified Functional Health Coach. She is passionate about helping female entrepreneurs transform from Stress and burnout so they can begin to thrive in their body and, by extension, their businesses.

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